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  1. 3rdroyal

    "Give Peace a Chance" Private Member's Bill

    Great. Another government department dedicated to accomplishing nothing. Yeah that's a great idea. Lets try booting them out the back of a LAV in or around Zhari, give them 2 days, and see what they accomplish? Their "non-violent" method will get their heads jammed onto a spike. It must be nice...
  2. 3rdroyal

    Trade decision question

    Sig Ops can get posted almost anywhere from Brigade HQ's to an infantry battalion. We had Sig Ops in our Company HQ for tour, they lived and patrolled and suffered with us "grunts". Think of it this way, if there's a radio that needs carrying, you might go there. Someone has to fix it when it...
  3. 3rdroyal

    Does it matter?

    The answer to all of your questions is no. Make it to the battalion first, and you will learn more later. "does that mean I am out of luck to join the airborne" I assume you mean do Basic Para, otherwise you're a few years too late. Again, that's after you actually get to the unit. Don't worry...
  4. 3rdroyal

    natalie asks

    You can buy a bar that gets installed in a doorway for pretty cheap. Just do a set whenever you walk through the doorway. As for your first question, the recruiter should be able to answer it. The PT standard has changed since I did BMQ, so I cant tell you how it works now. I suggest you just...
  5. 3rdroyal

    Things weren't as bad as it seemed.....

    And every instructor is the epitome of professionalism. No. The fact is I really hate whiners too and that most of the time the "mean instructor" stories are BS. I was only commenting on the "SUCK IT UP YOU _____" statement. Unless "_____" was "candidate" then it was probably something that was...
  6. 3rdroyal

    Finally In

    Congrats and welcome. Do yourself and those around you a favour and don't "HOORAH" anyone when you get to the Mega.
  7. 3rdroyal

    Things weren't as bad as it seemed.....

    From what you're saying, some members of your course staff seem highly unprofessional. What trade were you going for? I assume you were a PRes? If so, why not finish school (never hurts) and then join again when you're healed up?
  8. 3rdroyal

    Re-applying / question to infantry soldiers

    It's a good life, not just a job. You get out of it what you put into it. There are many days when you'll want to smash your head into the wall, and many days when you cant wipe the sh** eating grin off your face. It really isnt for everybody though. Most guys do 3 years and get out, not because...
  9. 3rdroyal

    How to get family on board

    Hey here's an idea. Just tell them. My family freaked out when i said I wanted to join. They even tried to bribe me with a car. After many weeks of arguing and many lectures about "My son/grandson is better than that!", they did in the end see that it was MY choice. Just like it's YOUR choice...
  10. 3rdroyal

    National" Borders- Trouble at The Cornwall Crossing

    This situation stems from the ongoing issue of "equality". In the past and in today's predicament, the government shies away from having to deal with the natives because any action taken against them WILL be construed as racist by some media and some natives. These natives have it in their heads...
  11. 3rdroyal

    Task Force Afghanistan 03/08

    Thank you Baden Guy  :)
  12. 3rdroyal

    Two children killed after car nears Canadian convoy

    Father Doesn't Understand Why Troops Opened Fire Josh Pringle Tuesday, July 29, 2008 on CFRA News "The father of two Afghan children accidentally killed by Canadian soldiers acknowledges the driver of his car may have made mistakes. But Ruzi Mohammed tells the Globe and Mail Canadian soldiers...
  13. 3rdroyal

    Close Area Suppression Weapon (was Company Area Suppression Weapon)

    Aside from the fact that the AGL is not comparable to a mortar (any mortar) in terms of deployment and effects on the enemy (60mm is a bigger  punch than 40mm), the AGL is essentially a machine gun, and probably has all the problems machine guns have, ie more moving parts that will eventually...
  14. 3rdroyal

    New Rucksack

    We were issued the thing a few weeks ago, and we have put it to the test. It does make a very nice bare a$$ PT ruck, and yes it carries a hefty load, but there are a ridiculous amount of straps to adjust before stepping off. And if you dont adjust it just so (not possible when in a rush), then...