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  1. W


    You won't be in a hoochie, below -10 C, they put u in a 10 man tent.  Well, the BMOQ in January will be the first BMOQ.  The last course that graduated in December was the last group of people to do IAP/BOTP.  The only thing I would pray for during field exercise is to have healthy feet. ...
  2. W

    Federal Spending On The Military

    If I remember correctly, the 30 billion figure is for the year 2030 so that's 22 years from now.  Your 18 billion dollar budget is close to what the military is getting right now.  Now if you take into account the inflation over the next 22 years, 30 billion won't be much.  Besides, we are...
  3. W


    well, xmas break in between IAP and BOTP.  I do not know about that.  If that really is the case, then the CF either keep their trainees in St. Jean during xmas or fly them back home and fly them back to do the course again in the new year?  or maybe you have to pay for your own ticket if you...
  4. W


    I am starting September 1st as well.  Already enrolled, flying out on the 30th.  For those of you worrying about spaces.  I really doubt you will be loaded onto this one if you haven't gone through the enrollment ceremony or expect to be within the next few days.  This BMOQ ends one week before...
  5. W

    BMQ going to 10 weeks in September??

    Is that mean the BMOQ is going to be shortened too?  The BMOQ is current at 15 or 16 weeks?
  6. W

    Recruitment Allowances for Understrength Military Occupations Aug 2008

    on another note, there is no more recruiting allowances for the NCS eng and MS eng in the navy as of the end of last fiscal year, i.e., MAR 08.  Kind of funny that those two occupations are still understrength.  Last NOAB, there were like 3-4 NCS eng candidate and maybe 1-2 MS eng candidate.  I...
  7. W

    Recruitment Allowances for Understrength Military Occupations Aug 2008

    I am not sure how many MARS officers make it past their QL4 and on, but I don't think CF has as big a problem recruiting MARS officers as some other trade.  Last NOAB, as far as I know 19 got the offer for MARS.  Getting through the training system probably is more of a hurdle than recruiting...
  8. W

    Aug 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    I just did my NOAB last week.  From what I've heard, there are still a few spots left on the 25th, but those won't last long at all.  August 18th was full a long time ago I believe.  However, there might be another BMOQ starting September 1st.  If you miss this one, there probably won't be...
  9. W

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    My guess is that the next NOAB is in October, but don't quote me on that. 
  10. W

    Im going in tomorrow!!

    problem solving is the math part.
  11. W

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    and the NOAB 08/02 is over.  Had a blast there.  See all of you who doing the BMOQ in late August/early September in St. Jean.
  12. W

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    Strace:  How did you do on your spatial ability test on your CFAT?  As a MARS, that's the skill you need (plus the math, but i think spatial ability probably is a little more important when planning your ship route and such).  I know I did not do too well on spatial ability test, but did well on...
  13. W

    Officer Pay Confusion, please clarify

    Huxley, you keep saying that money is not everything, yet you keep on complaining about how little you would be making with all the education you are going to get.  Your posts seem like the career you choose is based solely on money and money only.  It seems like you are in denial.  You can not...
  14. W

    Next BMOQ?

    Can't be of much help, but I would imagine it being in Jan 09 since it is hard to imagine having BMOQ through Christmas.  August 25th BMOQ will take you well into December already.  Another possibility is that they might have another BMOQ right after August 25th if there are a lot of candidates.
  15. W

    Your Degree and Your Trade

    Your writing is a little confusing...  Are you trying to say that if you choose infantry as your choice, would CF give you, for example, a construction engineer (which is not listed as one of your choices) instead because of your civil engineering background?  I am not certain how ROTP works...
  16. W

    trades requiring grade 12 math

    I am not an expert on this topic, but if the only reason you were not offered NES OP is your low score on CFAT, I do not think it has anything to do with you not having completed grade 12 math as the minimum requirement is grade 10.  I would suggest brushing up on your grade 10 math skills...
  17. W

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    I am also going to the same NOAB next week.  Where is your CFRC? There are a few posts regarding the NOAB if you use the search function.  There is one that gives a day by day information on the NOAB.  There is not much information on the MOST except for that it is similar to an IQ test.  A lot...
  18. W

    Officer Question

    SteelHorse:  Typically, yes many students do get early acceptances into universities well before the final exams.  I got mine in January.  8)  Sometimes, It could be a bad thing to get accepted so early because some people would tend to slack off and not try as hard on their finals... Besides...
  19. W

    Officer Question

    not to take anything away from your accomplishment academically, but I have seen people who got 90s average in grade 11 who did poorly on their provincial exams in grade 12.  Focus on getting all your exams done first if you have not already done so then worry about applying for your ROTP. ...