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  1. mjr payne

    comon law posting??

    i was wondering what the standards are on postings to wear your spouse is located my wife is thinking of weapons tech, vehicle tech or electronic optronic technician, in the army. I was wondering on the likelyhood of her getting posted anywere else if the army will favour keeping families...
  2. mjr payne

    BOTC Med Questionnaire ...3 1/2 hours ?!

    would my family doctor have my vacination record on my file becasue i cannot find mine?
  3. mjr payne

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    there is also 2 courses staring on oct 31 there is 0224 and 0225 because when i was sworn in there was 6 guys 3 for 0224 and 3 for 0225
  4. mjr payne

    MERGED BMQ thread - 7 Nov - 10 Feb serial

    whats wrong with his tattoo?
  5. mjr payne

    looking for grandfathers records???

    I am not shure if this is the proper forum or not but my grandfather was in 1RCR back in the late 40, and 50,s he died about 10 years ago and my grandmother doesn't have anything she told me he was 1RCR out of London at Wolsey barrels and he apparently received his jump wings in wainright...
  6. mjr payne

    Quick Question in regards to BMQ Kit list

    well i am not shure if they would allow this i am assuming they would because people who have done bmq have brought them. Anyways i dont mean to hijack this thread but i had a kit question and don't want to start another thread so i was just curious about how many pairs of shoes to bring it says...
  7. mjr payne

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    i was told RCR but they said i wont now which regiment untill the end of my training and i think that means SQ aswell??
  8. mjr payne

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    no worries i parsed all my testing that i did today do to expiration dates!
  9. mjr payne

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    OK so the recruiting office calls me this morning and tells me that my interview and pt test have expired and i have to go in tomorrow and redo it...owell i guess its just another hoop to jump through anyways i get sworn in next week on the 13
  10. mjr payne

    live from st. jean

    i think RAts= rations
  11. mjr payne

    live from st. jean

    thanks for all the advice i am pretty confindante in myself but i wasjust curious to the running pace i can run a 2.4km in about 10 25 at best and i was reading the failing to prepare is prepring to fail article and it says that the recruit should be able to run the 2.4km  in the superior time...
  12. mjr payne

    Basic Training Kit List

    The link for the official  kit list doesn't work, does anyone else have the kit list or a link to it ?
  13. mjr payne

    Is bmq now 14 weeks?

    so how long is SQ thease days and is it held in meaford too?
  14. mjr payne

    living in Quarters

    ok thanks for the quick reply i am crossing my fingers that i am sent to pet!
  15. mjr payne

    living in Quarters

    i didn't know that? So does this rule apply for common law relation ships too. Also After I get posted since i have a girlfriend will i be able to get a house on base or will i get an apartment or what how does all this work, as well as do i get an allowance or whatever for my girlfriend while i...
  16. mjr payne

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    I am 22 yrs old, common law girlfriend of 4 years I also am in average shape and going Infantry RCR but am not shure which battalion I am really hoping for 3RCR Also I am from St thomas Ontario Oh yeah and my course number is 0224
  17. mjr payne

    Oct. 31 - Feb. 3

    i am on this course too did they tell your husband were he will be staiond, all as they told me is RCR but i dont know were?
  18. mjr payne

    Any Offers

    i received my call last wendsday but my course doesn't start till Oct 31, I was told i was going RCR but they don't know were i really was hoping ppcli Edmonton or rcr petawawa but i am just happy to get the call i have been waiting for a really really long time for this>
  19. mjr payne

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    well my medical file finally came back too the recruiting office and they said that it was a standard issue letter for someone with my previous drug use, and that i do not violate any cf drug policy but i still have to see a specialist and my physician which sux because now my file will be on...
  20. mjr payne

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Today i received a letter from cfb Borden about my medical, it stated that since i had a prolonged use of drugs i am not eligible for employment in a reg force or reserve. And then it goes on to say that If i do not suffer from any complications as a result of street drugs and if treatment is...