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  1. PumpKickr

    Alleged Institutional Racism/solutions in CAF (merged)

    Well, this isn't good: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/systemic-racism-in-canadian-forces-needs-inquiry-veterans-say-1.2571614 While I would never claim that the CAF is free of racists, I have a hard time accepting a claim that there is systemic racism or that there would be...
  2. PumpKickr

    IRP Policy Personalized Component

    I've been having alot of problems getting my bank to acknowledge the whole portability thing. They told me it was portable, but that since the size of my mortage is increasing by over 125% (more then doubling) for the same size residence in the new location, that Mortgage Loan Insurance will be...
  3. PumpKickr

    IRP Policy Personalized Component

    Is it just me or is the "personalized" component of the IRP funding just a way for DND to say, "we're not paying for that." without looking like they're not paying for it? They give you all these situations where you can use "your personalized component", but at the end of the day, its money...
  4. PumpKickr

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    For info.  Anyone else think switching to a 1 year average vice a rolling average is a horrible idea. Its going to be jumping up and down all over the place. SUBJ: POST LIVING DIFFERENTIAL (PLD) RATE CHANGE FOR HALIFAX REFERENCES: A. CBI 205.452 (TRANSITIONAL POST LIVING DIFFERENTIAL) B...
  5. PumpKickr

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    Thanks melbatoast and Springroll, your info is really helpful.  Do you know anything about the Naden or Signal Hill areas? I've got the request for the PMQ all filled out, I just have to decide what areas to be considered for and at this point those are the two that I don't have any information on.
  6. PumpKickr

    Being realistic and ROTP

    There's something amusing about the fact that they are still using this line despite the fact that its completely untrue.  Don't believe it! I love my MOS, but I know lots of people who joined thinking that they could apply for a quick VOT once they were in the system.  The truth is that most...
  7. PumpKickr

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    Springroll, I hope you don't mind if I ask what type of housing is in the Workpoint area? Apartments, row housing, single family? We're going to have 3 kids by the time we move and my main concerns are living space, space for them to play outside, a decent pre-school nearby and ease for my...
  8. PumpKickr

    Beware of an excellent language profile

    I thought I'd add something to this discussion that I found interesting.  Because of the new pension plan and retention rates and all that, we have a lot more options then in the past.  Last year a guy I work with was informed that he was being posted into a position over in Afghanistan. He...
  9. PumpKickr

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    I'm being posted to Esq. from Hfx this APS and although I'd love to buy a house (we own in Halifax at the moment) a quick browse of the MLS has discouraged me (since I'm not independently wealthy), so I'm considering PMQs.  When you apply through the CFHA you have to check your "area...