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  1. odie

    BMQ-April 2009

    Well good luck boys! I'll see you boys the following week as I fly in on the 12th and start on the 13th! I can't wait I've been doing some shopping and tryin to chat with people going with me to basic so I can kinda know some people going! man the time can' come soon enough hahah
  2. odie

    BMQ-April 2009

    I swear in Tomorrow but they said I was in 0248 Course St. Jean.
  3. odie

    BMQ-April 2009

    Sorry I was away for a few days on a little vacation. Ok cool so they pay for it! nice! I haven't been sworn in yet so I haven't gotten any info on BMQ yet, but the big day is tomorrow so I'll find out everything then!!! I can't wait!!
  4. odie

    BMQ-April 2009

    yo thunder see if you can exchange your plane ticket from Toronto to Quebec, and jump on a train with me! its almost half the price from flying from Toronto to Dorval(i just looked it up cheapest flight is $138 with taxes, train is only $72) If not no worries we'll meet up in the airport before...
  5. odie

    BMQ-April 2009

    So I got the call I start BMQ on the 13th of April, anyone else? I'm in the Infantry course, if anyone else is leavingfrom Toronto is there anyone who wants to takethe train with me, or if they are driving up can i chip in for gas and come along?
  6. odie

    BMQ-April 2009

    Hello, I appologize in advance if this is under the wrong category, I wasn't sure if I should put it uncer Recruiting or Training. anywho, I got the call today I get sworn in March 31st and Start BMQ in St. Jean, QC on April 13th. Just looking to see if anyone else is in that course with me, I...