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  1. R

    Question on cost of training...

    I'm just curious, that's all. I recently read a few articles on how much it costs other infantry soldiers from US and UK and was surprised at the figures. I couldn't find anything about on any job in the CF in reference to training costs. To be specific I am talking about BMQ>BMQ-L>MOC.
  2. R

    Question on cost of training...

    Approximately how much does it cost to train an NCM (Reg) of Combat Arms trades? Who would be paying directly? Would it be the DND? I was going to put this topic under the sub-forums "Training" or "Combat Arms," but since it is related to money I thought it appropriate to post it here. If this...
  3. R

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Toronto Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier Trade Choice 2: Signal Operator Trade Choice 3: Artillery Soldier Application Date: June 2011 (2nd time) First Contact: June 2011 Aptitude Test: October 2009 Interview: April 2012 Medical: April...
  4. R

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Ha, I would look forward to that :) I was told too that the next two Infantry selections would be Aug 7th and Nov 27th. It takes a while for them to send the calls out and whatnot though. Good luck to everyone else in other trade too, hope you meet your goals :)
  5. R

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Toronto Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Soldier Trade Choice 2: Signal Operator Trade Choice 3: Artillery Soldier Application Date: June 2011 (2nd time) First Contact: June 2011 Aptitude Test: October 2009 Interview: April 2012 Medical: April...
  6. R

    Infantry Selection Dates -HEADS UP.

    I hope this is wrong. I went to my local RC two days ago for some things, and to double-check the date for the selection calls. They said the date is June 11th. That is strange then because it conflicts with what you are both saying about it being August 7th. Not sure what the August 7th date...
  7. R

    Artillery AD Training?

    I would like to know more about this as well...
  8. R

    What next?

    I got my initial application in, background & reference check done, did my interview next. After that my medical. I was given two forms to be completed by my surgeon (laser eye) and orthodontist. The medical doctor said everything is fine and it's just to make sure there were no major problems -...
  9. R

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    Just want to mention in this thread that I did LASIK last year. My eyes were -4.25. I have had no problems while swimming, getting shampoo in my eyes, or with hurting my eye. I'm glad I did it, everything looks HD vision to me, night vision is great (no halos), and best part is my eyes were...
  10. R

    Question about stopping/holding application

    I recently applied for the NCM reg force. So far I passed the aptitude test. I did sign the conditional offer agreement. If I wanted to stop my application or put it on hold what would the consequences be? Is it even possible to do this? If so, how would I go about doing it?
  11. R

    Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

    Thanks a lot Occam, I appreciate your help. With your help I can narrow things even more for myself. :]
  12. R

    Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

    Thanks a lot. Regarding the first option, I am mostly worried about transferring my v tech skills into the civilian world after. I would prefer to work mainly with cars, not trucks or buses. I searched quite a bit on transferable skills with vehicle tech and some people say that you can log...
  13. R

    Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

    I'm stuck between two choices: 1) Vehicle Mechanic through NCM-SEP or 2) Sig Op I know it;s my choice in the end but I just want to hear some outside opinions. Thanks!