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  1. S

    US midterms: Republicans win

    I'll just leave this here.... http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/
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    Cali to potentially legalize marijuana for everyone.

    Chances are Canada would not legalize until the United States does. UN drug policy is US drug policy. What can I say to that  :(
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    Cali to potentially legalize marijuana for everyone.

    D) Run out of funds for their current level of operation, resorting to either extremely low levels of operation (equivalent to bootleggers after the ban was removed) or leaving the market entirely to competitors with a higher standard of safety and quality (the government). Kids find ways to get...
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    Reuters: Somali Pirates Form Investment Cooperative

    Can you develop back pains from sitting on the moral high horse for too long?
  5. S

    Reuters: Somali Pirates Form Investment Cooperative

    I don't recall ever asking you to, you're a police officer correct? You earn a salary to uphold the laws of this land, not to "protect me". I also mentioned nothing of the Liberal government, or of democracy for that matter.
  6. S

    Reuters: Somali Pirates Form Investment Cooperative

    Your shortsightedness, lack of intuition and narrow-mindedness is a ghostly reminiscent of those who have tried to hold back the progress of society by whatever means fancied them; be it fear or ignorance. Ideas which value no higher then petty barbarianism are the reason society and individuals...
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    What is wrong with our flag?

    From what I've gathered so far, in the context of this thread, the only individual who has portrayed an idea that is not the norm (on the protocols of flag handling) on this forum is Mellian. Regardless of her intention, Mellian presented an argument to the rest of those individuals reading and...
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    What is wrong with our flag?

    I wasn't aware ad hominem was now an accepted use of logic in an argument against an idea.
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Rough. Seems to be one of those things you have to be highly motivated for.
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Tried the search function, but either I'm retarded or it doesn't function properly. Can anyone verify the work hours posted for a CF-18 Pilot in the "Jets and your Future" category? Regards
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    Sports while in the Canadian Forces...

    I cannot believe Boxing is not an official sport anymore. I am not one of those individuals who likes to play with a ball. I believe I phased that out when I was 12.
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    ROTP 2010-2011

    Hi, Been in the Army Reserve for almost two years now as an Artilleryman (Getting my second hook in January, assuming I make it that far before I get a quarter inch admiral bar). I'm putting forth my memo to request OT/CT to ROTP. Hoping for either INT O, INF O, or MP (Officer).
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    Inquiry about Reserve to Regular in reference to protocols

    Now to throw this question into the air through my own curiosity, say you affirmed into the Canadian Forces, but a while later you change Faith and you wanted to reinforce that by swearing in. Would this be possible? Or say you swore in and your Faith changes, can you request to affirm in...
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    Inquiry about Reserve to Regular in reference to protocols

    Hi there, I understand that, using the American Military for example, you must swear/affirm into the Military each time you want to start a new contract with the military after it expires ( if you choose to re-enlist). Now, does the Canadian Forces have a similar policy where you must...
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    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    I'm heading for my Reserves BMQ in a few weeks and my personal issue is, while I know I can do the run (I have), I usually get bored and then I lose my mental strength to keep on running. I had an iPod, but that was stolen recently  >:(, but none the less, I keep trying - I'll try some of these...