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  1. Rick Ruter

    Future CH146 Deployments

    All right loach, I get the picture with the pumpkins but I've been busy. Recruiting never stops. :salute:
  2. Rick Ruter

    Future CH146 Deployments

    It doesn't matter who owns the Griffons, I did the original Staff Check to go to Kabul and there is no way the Griffon would have been able to fly there with the climate, mean temperature and altitude. With the Threat level at the time, it would have needed armoured seats and floors which means...
  3. Rick Ruter

    Body Piercings

    I agree and I want to get more ink added to the existing tat. It shouldn't be to hard to design something around a small black and white Ying Yang. :-[
  4. Rick Ruter

    Body Piercings

    :salute: Been away for a while. My tat was done on an R&R (96hrs) in South Beach Florida with four Haiti UN buddies after a big drunk while walking back to the hotel in the morning. I always wanted one but never took the time to do it and at this moment, with the effect of the booze and what I...
  5. Rick Ruter

    Body Piercings

    Some new guys and galls actually walk in the CFRC the day of their enrolment with metal all over their face. This is not ''Rotten Ronies'' or BK folks. I must admit though that it is pretty entertaining seeing your coworkers in a social setting with all the accoutrement on when you are not...
  6. Rick Ruter

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    I understand as a loach driver that IF wasn't done except for minimums to keep your ticket but the Griffon??? Believe it or not, the Tutor was cheaper to fly then than the Griffon is now and that's what helo guys will get their wings on soon. But it is more relevant, hence logical. We have...
  7. Rick Ruter

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    The more you can bring the better because that small CANEX gets pretty busy and stuff goes fast. You don't get much time for shopping on this course and believe me, any free time you get, you don't want to be shopping. Sleeping comes to mind... ;)
  8. Rick Ruter

    Tac Flying, Kiowa Style.

    I was 300AGL flying down a valley and the wire stretched from the top (200' above me) on one side to the bottom on the other and was probably hooked to a radio or TV in a Hut. The same gage as a coat hanger and I saw about 6 inches sticking out from the nose cowling. The FE looked under the...
  9. Rick Ruter

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    Loachman, I'm the product of fast air and then switched to helos and I disagree with your comment above. The 4-6 miles per minute gets you thinking pretty quick and when you get to helos, you have all the time in the world which keeps you IN the cockpit and not skiing behind. As an ICP, I see a...
  10. Rick Ruter

    Tac Flying, Kiowa Style.

    Just pulling your leg man. I was in Haiti and Bosnia. Flew under (and also into once) wires a few times.
  11. Rick Ruter

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    I guess I got caught up in the reading and he hit a sensitive cord. I also went to -3 so that'll teach me. :-[
  12. Rick Ruter


    Présentes-toi bien habillé avec une coupe de cheveux propre. N'oublie pas que tu applique pour un emploie. P.S. Si c'est le cas, enleve les boucles d'oreille dans le nez, ect... Bonne Chance.
  13. Rick Ruter

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    22B, you can have a gadzillion hours in a 206, but throw in some live fire with all up weight NVG and its all back to square one. I'll take the Tac Hel pilot for 1000 Alex. :gunner:
  14. Rick Ruter

    Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

    Keep your options open and don't be too quick with brushing away MIBs. I was light and after a while of hitching rides everywhere (unless its in choppers) you tend to envy the Mech guys. Like someone said in an earlier post: ''you go where we need you.'' :salute:
  15. Rick Ruter

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    No prob my friend. That's what I'm paid for. :salute:
  16. Rick Ruter

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Duty fog bank rolled in over Eastern Passage yet?
  17. Rick Ruter

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Mud, there is a cure for dislexia. ;) Read carefully and you'll see that I wrote for Anglo and Franco in the first part. I only included the NCM because of the overall subject of this forum. Some readers are potential NCMs and would probably like to know if it applies to them. :cheers:
  18. Rick Ruter

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    Dress clean, take the ear,nose,eye and lip rings off and get a hair cut. You are getting hired for a job. Use common sense and you'll be fine.
  19. Rick Ruter

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    -1 Isn't it just what I wrote???  I included NCMs but the quote above is about Officers, hence BOMQ. No Cbt Arms Officers in there.
  20. Rick Ruter


    The level to achieve depends on your age group. Put it this way, when you reach level 8, you are running back and forth but you must keep the pace and not get ahead of the beat... or behind. The speed increases every 30secs (.5 level) and you will be in anaerobic mode pretty quickly. :pushup: