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  1. spook

    291 amalgamation ???

    To reply to your question of first postings for a 291er. Until very recently all 291ers would go to Leitrim for their first posting but now 2 EW Sqn in Kingston is an option for a first posting. This is according to the 291 CM news letter sent out very recently. Spook
  2. spook

    291 changes from signal to intel????

    First off, welcome to the 291 world, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have over the last 20 some odd years. As has been mentioned there has been talk/speculation of a Communication Research, Intelligence operator merger for many years and I agree it does make some sense although as of my most...
  3. spook

    anaerobic or aerobic first?

    One part of the original message not touched on much was the protein intake. As a general rule I'll have a snack consisting of protein and some carbohydrate (small can of tuna and a piece of fruit for example) at least one hour prior to a workout. What I believe to be even more important however...