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  1. R

    Done ACS and CAPSS, Will i not get an offer???

    Thanks for the clarification, benny and maniac.
  2. R

    Done ACS and CAPSS, Will i not get an offer???

    HippieĀ  You mentioned that you did not have to do ACS because you were an aviation college graduate, I was under the impression that everybody has to go through the ACS regardless of there educational background, or has there been a change in the rules since you've joined?
  3. R


    yes i would definitely wear a suit.. and yes I do want this.. want this bad... hell i ll wear a suit for the rest of my life if i get this...hahah... i have a suit ready for the interview... it is probably the best suit i have... hoping for the best...
  4. R


    Hey hey guys, Thanks a lot, it really really helps ... i ve been to many other websites and poseted blogs, but hardly ever get any response, and at this site got a tremendous amount ... just goes to show how much people actually care... it is great to no that... I still have my heebeejeebees...
  5. R


    Hello all, I recently passed my CFAT and had my medical done... it all went well, now it is time for the interview... They usually are nerve racking, but I ve given plenty of interviews and I am confident in my interview giving abilities, but never ever have I ever been in an interview of this...
  6. R

    Passed my CFAT, WooHoo!

    aaah.. got it... my apologies.. i did not really mean to use un apropriate languge... although would like to assure it was completely unintential!! and i ll keep a check on it...
  7. R

    Passed my CFAT, WooHoo!

    hahaha... thanx.. I HOPE TO C MY SELF THERE... one thing i dont understand... wat exactly do u mean by my first warning.. i mean.. i didn do that bad in my test..
  8. R

    Passed my CFAT, WooHoo!

    oh by the way... congrats man.. and good luck.. hope to c u there... ;)
  9. R

    Passed my CFAT, WooHoo!

    hey guys... i am in a simmilar position.. i just recently passed my CFAT too.. got my physical on 6july and interview on 17th july... although i ve tested my self again and again for physical training, and i do fine... and interviews are usualy a nerve reck.... but i ve given thousands of...