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  1. T

    QL3 at Borden Residence

    I am going on a QL3 supply course in Borden. I was wondering how are the suites? Are they 2 or 4 people rooms? Any computers? Platoon/section shared washrooms?
  2. T

    Winter FTX

    Perfect, just the answer me and slowmode needed
  3. T

    Insoles - Cost of Orthotics

    I was born with flat feet. After BMQ, my feet are a bit deformed. I heard that I can get reinbursed for custom insoles. Is that true? How many years of service is required and what is the limit? *I can't find the answer on the benifit page.
  4. T

    Winter FTX

    But shouldn't all work (including army) stop during Christmas, or atleast Boxing day? And not everyone has winter breaks like us students, most people have work.
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    Winter FTX

    I am going on winter training too. I was wondering when do we do the FTX as we have school or work during the week?
  6. T

    First Aid / CPR training and certification

    I got a certificate before I left camp. It's also recored in your file, just go to your OR and ask them.
  7. T

    Staring BMQ in July 2007?? Roll Call!!

    Leaving from Toronto to Ottawa! 25 SVC BN
  8. T

    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    I am on course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sudden!!!!!!!!! Thanks to the officers :D
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    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    I am 25 Service BN tooooooo!!!!!!! Supply Tech
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    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    Mear, may I ask what unit are you in?
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    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    I knew it was a lie. Anyways, I am going to July 30th Connaught BMQ training. Good that I was smart to register for summer school. Now I at least have something meaningful to do in July. See you in Connaugh in August :)
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    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    i am hoping that they will get me on course. The officers are nice, they are trying to get me back on. I have been making lots of phone calls. So go call. TRY!
  13. T

    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    I am in the EXACT situation as you. They are really messing my summer school and job up. However, 2 hours ago, they said I am going to put you on the Moss Park training (but 3 hours a go, they said it was cancelled). Can any clerks or instructors clear things up for us? Thanks
  14. T

    Moss Park (Toronto) BMQ

    I was told I am going to do my BMQ in Moss Park Toronto on July 3rd. However, I heard there are no BMQ courses in Toronto. So are they feeding me BS? *I was suppose to go to Cannaught BMQ on July 3rd. I had confimation and stuff. For some reason they said you are going on Cannaught BMQ on July...