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  1. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    On the 20th Im leaving for St.Jean, I will keep you guys updated on how training is  :salute:
  2. smoke

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    do it up I will join asap :)
  3. smoke

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    So I got sworn in yesterday, Im now a Private in the CF technicly on leave for the next 10 days, feels good!  :salute:
  4. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    yeah will do guys :P
  5. smoke

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    Just sworn in today, July 21st I start basic, see who ever is going there im on course 0174E I beleive I can get back to you on that.  :salute:
  6. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    I just got sworn in today! im private Recruit Leaman, GOOD stuff! I met quite a good bunch of people there, and basic should be A real challenge.!  good luck al, Im leaving in 11 days!  :salute:
  7. smoke

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    looks like its gonna be a full house  :warstory:
  8. smoke

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Im swearing in there at the same time dude, see you there. Also I got the EXACT same timings  as you did so im sure theres no mixup, there is probably just alot of people going or something, Im right with you in being excited, I can't wait! I sent you a PM too.
  9. smoke

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    feels good to know I will be 1 week ahead of some one when I start :P
  10. smoke


    sure why not dead :P
  11. smoke


    I had a steyr Aug a2 civvi model, full size replica tokoyo mauri, and a desert eagle green gas powerd  hand gun with a leg holster, GOOD TIMES ON THE FEILD!
  12. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    I will agree with impulsive purchasing amd excessive job changing, but being a fry cook for 6.95 an hour sucks, Landscaping was the best job I have had as of yet! I'm sure the infantry is going to trump that by a trillion! I would say, it's completley gone.. and I'm not even concearned about it.
  13. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    Yeah, apparentmy my file was one of a kind, closed...twice...lots of waiting, I hope it doesn't look bad on me later on  ??? I thnk It will show drive and motivation that I stuck it out so long,  aslo I had this migraine thing, I was never diagnosed with them I just had them sometimes.. and...
  14. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    It's best to be truthful, I had a few other things going on with other stuff that delayed it a bit longer, but don't worry all they will do is give you a peice of paper, and send you to your docs, and theres a good chance, you doc will probably clear you on it,  as It is really only adhd, which...
  15. smoke

    Ear Surgery - Chances are..

    no problem dude, I've been through the medical, I hated it :) good luck, mabye you will stay active around here  :salute:
  16. smoke

    Ear Surgery - Chances are..

    Well if you can hear normally, and have excellent hearing, I don't see why they wouldn't take you, although I do not know the circumstances of your surgery, no one here can tell you only the recruiters at the CFRC can so I suggest you check it out!
  17. smoke

    Here it is, my personal story.

    Well here it is ladies and gents, as I said I would update this once I hard something, I got my job offer yesterday for the PPCLI I gladly accepted,  I have another physical june 30th because it has been a year, and I am to be sworn in july 8th at CFRC Toronto, Will bring a camera. I ship off...
  18. smoke

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Basic Training Begins: offerd today, I start on the 21st of july
  19. smoke

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    I just got my training dates and swear in! Im leaving for St.jean july 20th! training starts on the 21st!  :salute: any one else going then pm me.
  20. smoke

    Restarting / Reapplying to the CAF [Merged]

    Thanks alot for your reply I appreciate it!  :salute: