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  1. S

    Joining the Reserves Medics

    Thank you. Do you know how I would find out what Unit 23 Field Ambulance supports?? Also, for any 23Field Amb members, I would love the opportunity to pick your brains about what life is like for a reserve medic. THanks!!
  2. S

    Joining the Reserves Medics

    sinc So, Instead of starting a new thread, I thought I would ask my questions here...on this one, since they relate to the same topic. Firstly, I was wondering if there were any members of 23 Field Ambulance on the board, since I have had NO LUCK finding out information through the internet and...
  3. S

    Any FEMALE Infantry Reserves on the forum?

    Hello-- I am a female looking to join the Reserve forces as an infanteer. I was hoping to gain the perspective of a fellow female on what life is like as an infantry member. I am in the Hamilton area and looking to join the Argyll's, but any information/advice would be greatly appreciated!! :cdn:
  4. S

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Alright Everyone!! I've actually answered my own question...ROS was right. You may apply for a citizenship waiver, but the only ones they are (supposedly) accepting right now are for Doctors. Otherwise, you need to have a skill or qualification that there is a need for. Thanks for everyone's...
  5. S

    Recruiting question, with reference to the CF Army reserves.

    davegdsm-- Were you able to get a Citizenship waiver?? I am a US CItizen, but PR of Canada (eligible for citizenship in Nov2007). I'm looking to join a local Infantry unity and would like to begin training ASAP. Please let me know if there were any contacts you found helpful. Cheers, sunnyliston
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    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Thanks-- I will join and start training with a Unit ASAP, that is my plan. I have undergone numerous background checks (FBI, New York State Police, RCMP fingerprinting) for Immigration...you would think that would be sufficient. I have also lived in Canada close to 4 years, but only 1.5 as a...
  7. S

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Hello All-- I am new to the forum but was hoping it could assist me in answering a question regarding the Reserves. I am currently a Permanent Resident of Canda who is eligible for Canadian Citizenship in November 2007. Because of the lengthy application time for Citizenship I will miss the...