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Search results

  1. wilde

    Chances of getting the job I want

    Inked Chick I spent most of my career in the field, and I always loved the cooks. If Binrat says there isn't a lot of thanks for your work then he's been in a rude unit. Old maintainers like me always saw the extra effort cooks put out to get us fed, and we thanked them for it. The good cooks I...
  2. wilde

    Is our military Conservative or Liberal ?

    The Forces are made up of a cross section of our population...rich, poor, educated or not, competent and NOT. A person votes on their own wants, needs and dreams. So if 40% of the country vote for a party you can assume that 40% of the Forces have voted that way as well. Are the forces...
  3. wilde

    The Press................

    And Stormy never woould have accepted a rank higher than the one he died with (C F L) , and the press had him down as a WO in some papers. That'll learn ya who ya can trust.