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  1. G

    RCMP Info, discussion

    Thanks guys, I didn't know I could download the polygraph. I was sweating bullets reading that thing. Looks good though, nothing in there to be afraid of.
  2. G

    RCMP Info, discussion

    I haven't even written the RPAT, or been interviewed. I know, I know. It's a little too soon to worry about that. I do know this much, I went through the firefighter application and sailed through. I have a lot of life experience and I also have the attitude required. I will tell you one thing...
  3. G

    Vision, oh damn, not again??!!

    I called the medical adviser for recruitment "E" Div., and I explained all about my vision being uncorrectable, at 20/16, right eye and 20/40 the other. I explained that this was as good as it gets and glasses won't fix anything. She said as long as both eyes were 20/60 at worst and binocular...
  4. G

    Vision, oh damn, not again??!!

    I would like to clear up a few things. First off I pledge my oath to Canada.The queen means nothing to me, and the RCMP recruiter even talked about that. I never cheated. The optometrist said the results were on the border. Considering what the test was for, he chose to pass it. If the results...
  5. G

    Vision, oh damn, not again??!!

    I need to clear something up with anyone here who is with the RCMP.  I was a firefighter professionally for 8 years. I just quit, and was that ever a waste of my time. Talk about mind turning to jello. Anyways, I needed 20/30 in my worst eye uncorrected. That is a lot harder than the RCMP.I had...