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Search results

  1. Northernguardian

    Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

    There are two recruiting streams for AVS right now. One generates a full blown avionics specialist (like we always did until relatively recently) that has in depth knowledge of electronics, and can interpret schematics, circuits, etc. The other stream produces inferior techs who are trained...
  2. Northernguardian

    CP-140 Aurora

    Excellent comments by all. As usual, Coderre has no idea what he is talking about. If he took his job seriously he would educate himself by reading the numerous reports detailing the serious support issues involving the CP140. The cost of ASLEP and the bulkhead repair (which should be done)...
  3. Northernguardian

    Pay FY 07/08

    Most people posting here (except for my aircrew buddy CdnAviator ;) and Scoobs ) seem to be taking the approach that its better than nothing. Well folks, yes, it is better than nothing, but its also a kick in the groin. I know that everyone at work is pissed off with it, and  I'm very...
  4. Northernguardian

    Aging Air Force

    FYI,  I have never been interested in becoming aircrew. I would rather repair equipment than be an operator. As for the structure of the maintenance trades, I don't think we should go back to the old ones. No need for that extreme degree of specialization. We do need to break up the AVN trade...
  5. Northernguardian

    Aging Air Force

    I'm going to ignor the nasty comments. I do think that AERE officers should occasionally advance to MGen and LGen appointments. That is a personal opinion. That doesn't make me anti-aircrew. I am a strong supporter of the maint community and the air force (which includes aircrew), and I'm proud...
  6. Northernguardian

    Aging Air Force

    The air trades are still relying on the oldsters to get the rubber on the ramp. This is becoming harder and harder to do as they are retiring or are being promoted off the hangar floor. There are very few former CRS, IST, AET, AFT, etc left below the rank of Sgt. Since the poorly thought out...
  7. Northernguardian

    CP-140 Aurora

    Very interesting times to be involved with the CP140 indeed. Valley Denizen is very well informed wrt tail numbers. I attended a stand up lunch with Gen. McCabe this month and the topic of CP140 replacement came up. He didn't come out and say that we are going to procure a replacement, but...
  8. Northernguardian

    Air Techs are not a "Support Trades"

    After 30+ years in the CF as an aircraft technician, now a manager, I find it a bit insulting to find aircraft technicians lumped into a group called "support trades" along with non-air trades (non 500 series). Note that there is a separate group - "air crew trades." I take it that since air...
  9. Northernguardian

    A bit about me

    I have a 36 yr. old guy working for me. He was IT before he joined. Now he is AVS and works with databases, web apps, and supporting our deployed aircraft data systems. This guy is brilliant, and is going to go a long way. A true asset to the Forces. You can never start too late. Bon chance.
  10. Northernguardian

    Something strange- WAP Version of Milnet.ca

    I like it. Its got an Air Force  >:D feel to it, and loads faster! NG
  11. Northernguardian

    Predator Purchase Cancelled

    CDN Aviator said: "To sum up, take the curent framework, remove the CP-140 and insert UAV, and carry on as normal." Since when can a UAV do ASW? A drone with a camera can't see underwater. Is there MAD on the drone, sonos, acoustics? The predator is a great tool on the battlefield, and we...
  12. Northernguardian

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    I know I'm straying a bit off topic, but does anyone know what decorations/medals the CDS is wearing to the right (when facing him) of his CD2? There are three. Thanks
  13. Northernguardian

    Air Reserve

    I served with 402 Sqn in Winnipeg for 9 yrs. Close knit group. I was told they never recruited pilots into the reserves unless they were ex-RegF.  We were a total force Sqn, flying the Dash 8 which is a commercial plane.  There are a lot of civilian Dash 8 pilots out there, and we never had one...
  14. Northernguardian

    Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

    Army.ca is taking FOREVER to load, if it does at all. This has been going on for days. Can't seem to find an email link for the administrator of this site either. Design could be better. I am at the point that I am about to give up on army.ca due to the frustration..... Hopefully the site...
  15. Northernguardian

    Canada’s clunker subs should be sold as scrap

    Remember when we got those subs.....the word was that they didn't cost anything. What a deal! We were getting them as barter for UK use of Labrador bases and army ranges. Eventually the truth came out - we spent something like $800M for used crap. The navy said nothing for years about this lie...
  16. Northernguardian

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    The Liberals must be regretting their decision to appoint Hillier as CDS. They probably wish that they had appointed someone like De Chastelain. His honest assessment of the "decade of darkness" has hit a nerve. It is so refreshing to serve under such a man. As we approach an election, the CDS...
  17. Northernguardian

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    Look at the Aurora program and you'll see the folly in attempting to keep an aging airframe going with upgrades. We are spending astronomical amounts of money on a program to replace avionics while the airframe itself is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain from a parts/structural...
  18. Northernguardian

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Canada could revert to a stone age culture and it would do next to nothing to reduce global CO2. We produce 1-2% of it, so even if you believe the junk science, we are a bit player. The leftist MSM in Canada is spinning this story, saying it is the #1 concern of Canadians. What BS. What...
  19. Northernguardian

    Auroras for Afstan?

    Don't believe what you read in the papers. The MSM in Canada is famously ignorant of military matters. Only a few journalists can write anything sensible. Look at the ridiculous article by Jack Knox in the Times Colonist today for an example. ASLEP is not going to be funded by cutting the...