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  1. mtnbikes

    Quebeckers joining the Armed Forces

    An ever passionate and ever entertaining topic, this issue about Quebec supporting the troops..... I am a Canadian, French-Canadian and Québecois (in that order, always) and have been serving in the R22eR early in my career (81 to 91 to be exact) and serving most of the rest in a mainly English...
  2. mtnbikes

    Cover me, I'm going in

    Well, Thanks Career-Radio-Checker.  Following my first tour, I went to my daughter's high school and talk about my experience, and received very positive feedback from both students and staff.  Mind you that was in Edmonton, where the population is far more supportive of the the military than...
  3. mtnbikes

    Cover me, I'm going in

    Thanks MCG.  However, Ruxted seems to be on our side.  What I'm looking for (sorry if I was not clear) would be sites that have both sides of the issue and input from both groups. :cdn:
  4. mtnbikes

    Cover me, I'm going in

    I'm looking for a little bit of advice, and perhaps some guidance.  Having being in the 'Stan twice, and waiting for another opportunity to have another go at it, I still need to do my part to support the guys that are over there (in addition with sharing my experience with the ones that have...
  5. mtnbikes

    Support pour la mission en Afghanistan - Presse Quebecoise

    Comme prédit par Gen. Hillier, le nombre de soldats tués et blessés au combat en Afghanistan continue de monter.  Conséquamment, la presse en fait état de manière plus ou moins sensationelle, dépendant de la province ou du journal.  Toutefois, je constate, à mon grand désappointement, que la...
  6. mtnbikes

    Est-ce seulement moi ou?

    Bon.  Premierement, ceci est mon premier message dans Army.ca, donc pardonnez mes lacunes au sujet du protocole  Voici ce que je pense au sujet des uniformes.  Considerant que j'ai 25 ans de service, quatre tours (dont deux en Afghanistan deja !), le fait que des civils portent des parties...