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  1. C


    Got another call today ......nix on Borden , going to St Jean now . Whatever, BMQ is BMQ .
  2. C

    New PT Test Requirements...Whining

    When you say heart monitor , do you mean a device that shows your pulse or a three lead heart monitor that shows a waveform?
  3. C

    NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

    You owe me for the rum and coke soaked keyboard I just ruined
  4. C

    AMONGST THE MARINES by Steven Preece

    Two things this book made me realize 1 I never met Steven in a bar 2 He never dated my sister Good read though if for no other reason than I had no idea what he was going to do next. Glad theey are on our side !
  5. C

    Gitmo Prisoners

    I think you are way off base here Tomahawk6 , if somehow we could make an arrangement to get Taliban Jack and his band of merrymen and women  posted to Gitmo, this would all be fixed by a group hug and a rousing courus of kumba yaaaaaa. 
  6. C

    What are the doctors looking for?

    I'm betting on decreased hearing......... That is in my opinion the problem here. How is someone supposed to respond to this ? , if you don't understand what is being asked of you  , call the recruiter, they are there to help. Ive been trolling here for a while and have come to the conclusion...
  7. C

    NB Lib's Win ?

    Im wondering if the new Gov will push ahead with the single Provider Ambulance Service that the PCs were almost ready to sign with Med V ( Blue Cross) .
  8. C


    Got my call today , Borden 29 Oct , anyone else?
  9. C

    NB Lib's Win ?

    Keeping the Tories in would have been better ,but  at least Taliban Jacks dingbat cousins got shut out...... I guess Im a glass is half full guy :)
  10. C

    Age Limits to Join

    Of the 23 pages devoted to this thread, I believe this says it best +1