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Search results

  1. gazelle

    College or Reg Force

    My own experience.. Just before I joined I went to university and thought it was OK. Then I spent 6 years in the PPCLI then got out and went back. The novelty of being back to school quickly degenerated into culture shock and I was perpetually incensed at the insipid navel gazing and general...
  2. gazelle

    2 PPCLI

    Jim was still in the 2nd as of less than a year ago
  3. gazelle

    Quitting Smoking

    Although it does have inherent risks... Zyban actually worked quite well for me...(they were dishing it out like candy in 2VP around 99 or 2000), another helpful thing that I did was bought new clothes, had my car professionally cleaned (inside) and cleaned every square inch of my apartment...