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  1. sean watt

    recce boat

    Thank you, Now that I know what they are called I can effectively pursue them. Any idea where I can buy one? It is the perfect boat for what I need.
  2. sean watt

    recce boat

    Thank you all for the quick replies, I admit I deserved the thrashing for being so vague.My apologies. Last week I was loading up an MLV(SP?) at the armoury and was asked to inspect and load up inflatable rafts designed to hold between 2-4 people which were reffered to us newbs as Recce boats...
  3. sean watt

    recce boat

    Hi all, If you know where i could get an black inflatable recce boat please drop me a line, Thank you
  4. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    Hi again, It has been a while since my last update so I will let you all know that I recently was issued my kit, military id and  I have a BMQ scheduled for November 17. I have been very fortunate in that I have been allowed to attend our parade nights as a no-hook private recruit. I have only...
  5. sean watt

    Question about Pensions

    I also have the same question. I have 10 years in the PSPP pension. This is an Alberta based provincial pension and if I were to leave this plan to continue as a reg force would my plan be transferrable in the CF'S?
  6. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    Hi All! I swore in last night at 7:00 pm. It was a very nice,memorable experience.  I had my two little girls and my wife in attendance. My girls had never seen anyone in combat uniform before so they were a little scared but the CO was incredibly welcoming and the girls felt right at home in...
  7. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    Update: I received a phone message indicating that they would like to swear me in next Wednesday!!!!!!!!! I also had a follow up call from a different recruiter requesting a clarification in spelling for my name for the purpose of enrollment documentation. Quite Stellar ladies and gents...
  8. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    Thank you PMedMoe, I was pretty impressed with the Doc that examined me as he noticed an injury to my knee that is common when you grow fast, osgood shlatoris??sp?? anyways he was the first Doc ever to notice it. I though it was just a result from a bad hit in football from my high school days...
  9. sean watt

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Hi all, I certainly do not mean to recommend a fad diet here on the forum but I just lost 45 lbs simply be LIMITING my carbs. NOT ATKINS!!!!! I went from 275 to 230 in 3 months. I am 6"4". I did not start working out until I hit 230. I feel freaking amazing and shedding the big weight first...
  10. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    update:   I completed my Medical this morning, what a relief! The doctor that interviewed me was very thorough and quite knowledgeable. Overall the quality of the medical was better than any Physical I have ever received. I was given a clean bill of health with perfect hearing and vision, no...
  11. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    Hi again, I have been reading as many posts on the subject of recruiting and I have found the forums to be a wealth of information. After comparing the stories of progress against mine I was curious about why the recruiting process seems so different in different provinces. Some members have...
  12. sean watt

    recent cfat and interview.

    Hi All, I recently took the CFAT at the Edmonton recruiting office and had my "one on one" interview. Everything seemed to go well. I have my medical scheduled in the next week. I assume that I did well enough on the CFAT, I was not told how I did, but rather it was explained that the results...