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  1. Serenity

    Common Law Marriage in the Canadian Forces - Mega Thread

    I was also wondering about signing a Common-Law Partner Agreement.  From what I have read, it would satisfy the requirements of the Military.  But to get it notarized we may have the same issue with proof. Has anyone used one of these documents to prove common-law status?
  2. Serenity

    Common Law Marriage in the Canadian Forces - Mega Thread

    I wondered about this.  Really don't want to cause any problems. I can't find anything that shows he was here.  Not a bill, not even a Blockbuster membership.  We may be out of luck.
  3. Serenity

    Common Law Marriage in the Canadian Forces - Mega Thread

    I have searched this topic but need a bit more clarification.  And advice. My boyfriend and I were living together for the year before he left for training.  He moved in with me and we never bothered to put his name on the lease.  It seemed there was no point as he was awaiting notification for...
  4. Serenity

    Family Care Plan (FCP) [Merged]

    As both a parent and a Child Care worker, I can understand what a frustrating situation families find themselves in.  As has been already stated, your best place to start is the MFRC.  But if their options don't work for your family what about networking with other parents?  There are bound to...
  5. Serenity

    Draft Dodger Reunion - this summer in BC

    I have to agree with this sentiment, both for the fact that it was written by someone who has a true point of reference and that it echoes what seems to be at the centre of this issue.  There is a fundmental difference between a Viet Nam Draft Dodger and a deserter.  The concept of choosing...
  6. Serenity

    Kids wearing camo

    I suppose that it comes down to the individual.  My son does not make the correlation between camo and war.  To him it is just something soldiers wear and as he holds them in a place of respect, camo is therefore 'cool'. After my post, my significant other and I discussed his 'disapproval'. ...
  7. Serenity

    Kids wearing camo

    From a purely parental place, I would like to know what the general feeling is about children wearing camouflage-inspired clothes. While this may seem like a trivial subject, all one needs to do is head to the Boy's department of any store and look at the selection available.  I am hard-pressed...
  8. Serenity

    2 men to wed in first RCMP gay marriage

    I have to respectfully disagree.  Equality is the crux of the gay marriage debate.  To say anything less is adding personal opinion.  Remove the 'who' from the equation and you are left with the quintessential equality discussion.  Person A want to legally be joined to Person B with all of...