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  1. C

    16 week BMQ???

    Thats just going to be including your time off for Christmas.  Apparently most units slow down for 2 or 3 weeks for Christmas break.  Plus it's probibly enhanced BMQ.  I'm going on week 6 on my enhanced right now at ATC Meaford, and its 3 weeks I was told of SQ incorporated into your BMQ. 
  2. C


    Evenin all! Well, I just got my call to serve our beloved country, and my basic is schedualed for Meaford, Ont.  I haven't heard of anyone else going there previously (yes I did a search) Anyone have any forthought or insights, experiences, info etc. they'd like to share?  Thanks in advance and...
  3. C

    Got tha infamous Call

    Armyrules, congrats man, glad you made it.  I got the same course date as you for combat engineer, only I'm comming in from Vancouver.  I got the call this morning, I've been bouncing off the walls since.  See ya there man! :salute:
  4. C

    i get to play the waiting game now!

    Well I got through the interview and she reccomended me for Combat Engineer in Edmonton.  I just gotta wait now.  Hopefully I'll be seein you guys in a few months.  :salute: Best of luck!
  5. C

    i get to play the waiting game now!

    Hey guys, I got my interview/PT test tomorrow and going for Combat Engineer.  Hopefully I'll be writing to say I'm in the same situation as you guys fairly soon.  Congrats!
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    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    Well, this isn't geared for anyone specific, just thought I'd share.  Growin up, I had a pretty bad reaction to fish when I was young and had to have an ana-kit with me throughout my youth.  (Ana-kit is an old-school epi-pen)  I initially tried to join up 3 years back and when my allergies were...
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    Gonna be waiting for a BMQ call

    Congrats man.  I been waiting 3 weeks for my medical to come back before they let me do my physical, but after the hurried waiting i'm hoping i'll be outta here late summer!
  8. C

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Field Engineer Trade Choice 2: - Infantry Trade Choice 3: - Weapons Tech Application Date: Sept. '04/March '06 First Contact: Sept. '04/March '06 Date for CFAT: Oct. '04 PT Test completed: Oct '04/Wating...