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  1. -Marauder-

    Operation Northstar Modification

    Nice work.  I've been following your progress for a long time now, keep it up.  I noticed Sabre has spent some time on your forums.  All good, particularly if some of this were to make it into VBS2.  Ask Sabre about |RE| and some contacts over there he may have. Cheers, Mike
  2. -Marauder-

    Canadian troops get better care overseas: report

    Piper - very insightful.  Very.
  3. -Marauder-

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Did any of you guys find it odd that Halo didn't go into the quarantine room to see Sharron, even though he was told it was safe for humans... then there was the whole genocide bit...?  Unless it was just one of those accidents that happen.
  4. -Marauder-

    The Ruxted Group

    After reading this most recent poll from CBC:http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/afghanistan/afghanistan-survey2006.html I recall the Ruxted Groups many articles on Canada's involvement in Afghanistan and those targeted in particular at informing the public.  I have to say I'm not surprised...
  5. -Marauder-

    Red/ Green/ White Poppies- Does The Colour Matter?- Merged

    What's wrong with this, really?   It takes nothing away from the red poppy.  After all its not like wearing the red is a call to arms, not at all, it is a symbol of remembrance.  I think working towards peace is a noble goal...one worth fighting for, if necessary.  As it is now. Cheers, Mike
  6. -Marauder-

    Army Alphabet Game

    E - Ensign
  7. -Marauder-

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    They've done a few half decent jobs showing a 'gunny' provide tactical advice to the various 'Biff the Spacemen'.  I thought perhaps Starbucks boyfriend/husband/ex might have been a good choice to become a marine (dare I say)... commando? Ahh well the shop still rocks... after all it is sci-fi...
  8. -Marauder-

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Woah.  That's deep. I love this show...and the dialogue in this thread!  If only they'd get away from having pilots lead ground combat/boarding actions.  After all they went to the trouble to have marines... Cheers, Mike
  9. -Marauder-

    The Ruxted Group

    Hello,  It's been a while since my last post... but I couldn't help myself once I noticed this:http://ruxted.ca/! Wow.  (Apologies if a similar post exists on this topic)
  10. -Marauder-

    Fatal attraction?

    Well said.  In my opinion Army.ca has the reputation of a place where members of the military and civilian community can speak candidly.  Most importantly, in my view, is the fact that real soldiers can talk frankly and publicly about subjects that under ordinary circumstances they wouldn't. ...
  11. -Marauder-

    Fatal attraction?

    Roger.  Street cred is definitely something not easily gained.  It is what dragged a rockape like me into participating.  Though I still stand by the recommendation, I would then highlight the 'sponsored by Army.ca' bit. Thanks again for the poke, Mike
  12. -Marauder-

    Fatal attraction?

    Yikes!  After re-reading my post, I can see how it comes off as pompous.  My apologies to all and thanks to paracowboy for pointing it out. To clarify: I do find the Ruxted editorials to be a breath of fresh air.  I thouroughly enjoy reading them and it is due to them that I over come my...
  13. -Marauder-

    TV reporter suspended for praising Canadian mission in Afghanistan

    Nice column.  Thanks for posting that. Edit - As an aside, is this the first time the story has run in the english press? Cheers, Mike
  14. -Marauder-

    Why Socialism can never die

    I hope socialism (or Marxisant theories of the global political economy) never dies.  While I disagree with so many of their assumtions, ideals and conclusions I do find it useful, from time to time, to try and look at a situation through their lenses or 'eyes'.  When I do, I find that some of...
  15. -Marauder-


    I am a crossfit guy, though a moderate if such a thing is possible as it is not in my nature to get overly excited about PT. In addition, I do not have access to all of the tools which are required to properly complete some of the exercises and ususally do the recommended replacement... so a...
  16. -Marauder-

    Our Friend Pakistan

    Don't think that I do not support action, though I would contain it to Afghanistan and maybe, if the conditions were right, Pakistan.  But all the hype in the world about evil axis' and a dark Islamic hegemonies rising under the guidance of insurgent fundamentalists isn't worth a drop of my...
  17. -Marauder-

    Fatal attraction?

      Ahhhh.... Like a breath of fresh air.  Sadly it is not so well framed and I suspect that the true value of its words (to its intended audience) are muted by this fact.
  18. -Marauder-

    Fatal attraction?

    Don't get me wrong.  I have the utmost respect for her and I greatly enjoy her articles.  All I am saying is that rather than accuse this gentleman as being biased (as we so obviously are as well), perhaps well articualted and thought out counters would serve us better.
  19. -Marauder-

    Our Friend Pakistan

    This sounds like propaganda.  Show me evidence of a new axis of Islam. Who defines their 'hegemonic' dreams - western academic sources and 'intelligence'? Is hegemony such a bad thing?  Could it not bring stability to the region.  What good has western interference brought the region but more...