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  1. Justin85

    Picking up my Kit

    Well I picked everything up this morning.  Its a good thing that I had a car to get all the stuff, now the only problem is finding enough space to put everything, I have more gear than apartment space
  2. Justin85

    Picking up my Kit

    thank you for the advice, I will not mess around with anything until I am taught where it goes and how it goes together. I also keep in mind not to leave the boots in the water over night  ;D
  3. Justin85

    Picking up my Kit

    Thanks, I ll have to do that bathtub thing.  I definatly wont wear anything that will identify me as Canadian Forces.  As for the BIQ, thats a typo, I meant to say BMQ.
  4. Justin85

    Picking up my Kit

    I am going to pick up my kit and uniforms tomorrow, and I had a question.  I was wondering if I am allowed to wear my rucksack and boots off duty so that I can go hiking with them to get use to carrying the ruck sack and get the boots broke into my feet.  I know that I wouldnt be allowed to wear...
  5. Justin85

    What is your military status?

    Just got into Army (Reserve) The Algonquin Regiment Infantry
  6. Justin85

    Got my offer today

    After 2 months of the recruiting process, I was sworn in on thursday night into the Algonquin Regiment.  I am also new to this forum so I would like to say hello to everyone, some people who frequent Blue line (and I know there are a few) may know me as Justin L.  I am really excited about...