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  1. N

    CF Pulls Recruiting Display in QC, Anti-War Protest Spreading?

    thats so cheep .. im from Quebec and I can tell you it's a cheep action.. It's ok to be against war (aren't we all?) but it's not right to stop the recruiting process.. if someone is interested to join, then let him be. I mean look at our army, in the US they have 10 times our population but 23...
  2. N

    Canada's options: fight in Afghanistan or secure 2010 Olympics ?

    We should ask the liberals in their next debate what is their plans for the army and how are they planning to handle the 2010 situation. They are currently in their race for leadership so it is a perfect time to see what they are willing to do to handle the situation. It is becoming tight...
  3. N

    Jack Layton of the NDP Accuses JTF 2 Troops of Abandoning the CF.

    How does Jack Layton know what's hapening with the JTF2? Isn't it classifies info?? and what does he care what our elite troops do agfter their contractc are over.
  4. N

    Canada's options: fight in Afghanistan or secure 2010 Olympics ?

    Why will the Olympics be a problem in 2010? I remember in September went I went back to my unit, they made me sign a paper asking me if I'm willing to be deployed to Vancouver in order to assure security for the 2010 Olympics (I’m a reservist btw). We have the reserves to ensure back-up for...
  5. N

    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    Nothing he did was commited in the name of Allah and I know for sure that no part of the Quran can justify his action. I'm interested in the your coment specialy for this part Your argument makes sense and it is indeed is a big pro for his execution, but what is Saddam learning from his...
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    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    Imprison him. Initially, I thought most Canadians would agree with the fact that we shouldn’t hang him. I say prison for life. If we kill him then he'll never feel what he did wrong.
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    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    Okay. First, I'd like to be clear about the fact that I am nor against the US invasion of Iraq nor against the U.S for staying there. As far as I'm concerned, my home country (Lebanon)* is protected thanks to the US soldiers in Iraq. If the US should leave, then a civil war would occur and Iran...
  8. N

    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    What’s funny is how Americans support Saadam during the war against Iran and now no need for their ally so they turn the switch off. They accuse Saadam of the massacre of Dujeil where 150 Shiites died, ironically after the American occupation of Iraq 650,000 people died.
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    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    I am not mocking anyone, I am simply stating my opinion and respect 100% all of your opinions. This is simply a debate.
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    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    The crime he was accused of is for the killing of 142 Shiaa militants that protested against him and the Judge was a Shiaa. This is no conspiracy, it's simply facts. The elections are in a few days. Why did they rush the verdict? The man has been in trial for the last 9 months. Plus, he is...
  11. N

    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    He was sentenced by a Shiaa muslim backed by the US. obviously he was going to be guilty. There has always been a feud between the Sunna and the Shiaa. It's as if I bring you to court and the judge is your sworn enemy backed by a money filled government.
  12. N

    Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

    Did someone not see it coming? C'mon! He did not have a fair trial at all. What a coincidence that he was sentenced to death few days before the US elections. There are other dictators in the world that are far worst than him. Just look at him Baath regime rival from Syria, Bashar El Assad and...
  13. N

    Support your troops. Just make sure you know who they are....

    well thas the part I dont get : the same team which photoshopped those pictures in Lebanon have come to apply their skills in America! what is that bout?
  14. N

    Support your troops. Just make sure you know who they are....

    Can someone explain this to me .. im not sure I get it. whats with the Lebanon thing?
  15. N

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I think they could add some music to the videos as a first .. we as military man and woman (for most of us) like them because we know what it represents .. but don't forget this is meant to attract people from the civil life into the military way of life. I know we are still in the beginning of...
  16. N

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    hmmm .. im not sure those videos are such a good idea, i dont like them too much.. what about you guys?
  17. N

    Liste de rabais pour militaire

    oups lol .. 200 minutes de jours .. et c'est afficheur et boite vocale inclus. pour 5$ de plus / mois vs avez apres 18h00 illimite
  18. N

    Liste de rabais pour militaire

    rogers et bell mobilité ont des forfaits millitaire (bien pour les omployés du gouvernement) moi j'ai pris rogers et c'est ca le forfait 18$/mois .. 200$ de jour et illimité soir et week end (soir apres 20h00) avec afficheur inclus et le forfais est a la seconde.
  19. N

    How Long Is DP1 Infantry and is anyone heading to aldershot for this course?

    I have a feeling it's never the same.. My BMQ was 24 days and SQ 15 days. I havent done my DP1 yet but my SQ was ridiculously short and not well managed.
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    BMQ valcartier

    moi je suis dans reserve au camp vimy sur mon QS.. pis ailleur a la base de val cartier je vois souvent des regulier.. donc juste vous dire que oui c'est possible.