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  1. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Recently, I have come across some videos concerning the Canadian Rangers on Youtube.com. One is from the Terrace Patrol, as they take a little excursion around the area, and into history. I found this little clip very interesting for the fact, Canada doesn't seem to preserve a lot of it's...
  2. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Well, it has been a while since I have posted anything on here, but it is nice to see that some interest has been.......resurrected, in my absence. First and foremost Rangers are volunteers. People that become Rangers want to make a difference for Canada, but for reasons that have too many...
  3. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    OMG! That was just bad.
  4. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Well short of going over everything from before, most of the information is on first page, with a copy and paste history, and a few links to sites with additional/extra info. People become Rangers for various reasons, aged out cadets, aged out service members, honourable dischargees, etc. In my...
  5. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Well, after almost a year of little input, I see this topic took off like wildfire. Too bad. I have read a lot of the content of these forums, and know there are other rangers that have thrown in their two cents here and there, but not in relation to this. I have failed to add to this topic...
  6. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Well, I will be leaving for CFB Esquimalt tomorrow, and I won't be back untill February 12th. When I get back, I might be able to share news/rumours of any changes I hear that might be going on, and share a few highlights of what ever they are going to put me through. Untill then, I hope this...
  7. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    If asked, I am sure I just might be able to dig up a list of some of the Ranger patrols located within 4CRPG, if some of you want to check it out for yourselves. Bare in mind, my list will be somewhat incomplete, and the locations of some of these patrols might just been more than a little...
  8. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Well, looks like I am going to CFB Esquimalt. Our Patrol Sergeant and one of our Section Leaders will be taking a Leadership Course, while I and two other Rangers get a watered down version of BMQ. I understand our accommodations at the Alberthead barracks have been used by the Cadets. Should...
  9. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    I found this, but for the most part, I am coming up empty on the aforementioned incident. "It has been common knowledge for more than a decade that nuclear submarines from the United States, Russia, China, France, and Great Britain pass through our territory without necessarily seeking...
  10. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    I could just hear it now; *translated from french* "Up periscope." "Periscope up." "What do you see?" "I see an Eskimo with a bright red sweater and a rifle of some kind." "What are they doing?" "He is aiming at us." THUNK "He has fired on us! What should we do?" "Down periscope, dive, dive...
  11. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    You think something like that would be brought to the publics attention? I could see, if it did happen, it being buried on a rug.
  12. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    You know, I have no idea, but makes you wonder, just what, if anything, they were hoping to accomplish, if this incident really happened.
  13. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Here are a few sources to collaborate the story: http://www.csp.navy.mil/asl/Icex03.htm http://www.strategypage.com/gallery/articles/bear_sub1.asp http://navysite.de/ssn/ssn22.htm Most of the stories have the same phrase "near the North Pole", which does make one wonder, just how close or how...
  14. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    I truly believe that Canada has to take a stronger, more noticeable, and recognized stance on her sovereignty. If we, as a nation, claim the arctic as ours, by all means, we had better defend that claim. I think a permanent military presence in the north could very well be that answer. The...
  15. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    The general impression I have gotten from the 1CRPG Rangers, north of 60, is they have the skills, that are a cross of, MacGyver, Davy Crockett, and the Boy Scouts. Most of them posses an uncanny circumstantial ingenuity, for complex operational difficulties (say that 10 times, really fast....)...
  16. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    Osprey's Canadian Forces in World War II http://www.ospreypublishing.com/title_detail.php/title=S3020~ser=MAA, decribes the weapons the PCMR used, from page 13; "The Rangers at first used their own sporting guns, but were later armed with a variety of older rifles such as the Ross .303, Enfield...
  17. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    I have found some information on the other issued rifle of the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers. It was the Winchester 1894 (M94) Pacific Coast Militia Rangers PCMR Carbine. A picture of one can be found at http://www.rarewinchesters.com/gunroom/1894/model_94.shtml, scroll down, it's the second one...
  18. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    To the best of my knowledge, 1 CRPG with 58 patrols, and covers Northwest Territory, Yukon Territory, and Nunavut are tasked with surveillance/sovereignty patrols (SOV PATS), conduct inspections of the North Warning System (NWS) sites, collect and share local data of significance in support of...
  19. fredranger

    The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

    The thing I have noticed mostly, is not too many people even know that the Rangers even exists. Some of the attention we have been getting in the media has shown the Inuit wearing the bright red ball cap and sweater, on the snowmobile. This is the image that seems to stick with people. As for...