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  1. Mirage

    Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

    Sorry to dig up an older thread but this seemed like a good spot to ask my question. I've spent many hours reading through a lot of posts here and have found some great information and insight.  But trying to find out some more info specific to AVN techs. Currently Reserve Navy, but strongly...
  2. Mirage

    funeral and uniform question...

    I hate to drag an old post to the top of the page but my grandfather's funeral is this Saturday and my Aunt who is reg force will be wearing her uniform and since I'm in the reserves she asked if I could wear mine as well.  My grandfather served in both the air force and army during the war and...
  3. Mirage

    going to basic tomorrow morning

    Well this post is a week old but the title's still true.  I'm leaving for basic toomorrow (14th).  I've spent the last few days worrying about how hard it's going to be, if I'm going to make it, and how much I'm going to miss my family and boyfried.  :'(  Hopefully I'll meet some new friends and...
  4. Mirage

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Thanks for the info, one less thing for me to worry about before I go.
  5. Mirage

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Sorry for digging up an old thread but this seemed the appropriate place to ask this question. Regarding taking birth control pills at basic, do we need to let the instructors know we're taking them or bring some type of doctor’s note or prescription or do I just bring enough to last me through...
  6. Mirage

    january basic?

    I was supposed to go Jan 9 for reserve baisc but Friday I was told that it was canceled and they'd try to get me into the Jan 16 reg force basic.