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  1. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    Mr. Wallace, I'm spinning my wheels here, because you are obviously an ignoramus. Anyone that can read, can determine what the provincial funding guidelines are. I've made my calls to my MP, to the Minister of Community Development, followed the media coverage and Government bulletins.  In...
  2. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    Mr. Wallace, Mr. Zartan implied that the Candian Film Industry needs support (I agree with his statement and have a firm understanding of film because I've been in the industry for 14 years). He then went on to suggest that this type of film can replace (or join) films like Gallipoli (non-Cdn)...
  3. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    Mr Zartan, While I realize that the monies that are funding this movie are coming from the oil & gas revenues, I don't see how it makes it right. The fact still remains that these funds were arbitrarily given to this project because Mr Klein deemed it so. If you want Canadian movies to be in...
  4. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    People, it's not the Federal Government who is giving $5.5 million, it's the Alberta Government. The Federal Government will also be contributing funds, it just hasn't been formally announced yet.
  5. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    Rest assured, that this film will receive Federal Tax Credit monies as well as Telefilm monies, just as any production would. Read Todd Babiuk's article in todays Edmonton Journal for more info.
  6. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    Mr. Wallace, I'm afraid I have done my research and it is you who is mistaken sir. Grants for film projects in Alberta must go through the Film Development office, and are capped at $1.5 million (this program is always over subscribed). Mr Gross (who technically should not be able to access...
  7. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    Gentlemen, I respectfully understand your points, but you fail to understand mine. I have no issues with this movie, or with Paul Gross. My issue is with the disregard for the process, and lack of accountability by the government. Would you support a $5.5 million grant to a project that wasn't...
  8. Z

    Passchendaele movie

    While I applaud any and all films/documentaries/books/articles that enlighten Canadians on the valour and sacrifices made by our veterans, I cannot support a $5.5 million grant to this film. My reasons are twofold. As a taxpayer I have to ask how this came about. The Alberta Government has a...