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  1. Siggywife

    Dealing with Injury - The Spousal Side

    We all grieve in such different ways and for different things.. Any major life change can be devastating.. Dreams dashed away and the sense of normal just isn't there.. but what is normal anyways? .. Sharing something that happen to complete strangers can be over whelming and not being able put...
  2. Siggywife

    what do you hope to gain from cadets?

    I joined to try something new.. Different from the girl guide ritual all my friends were taking.. I got to go places and do things that I would normally ever do.. Spent many summers out in BC.. I have a great respect for people and understand more then I ever will need.. I finished my Cadet...
  3. Siggywife

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    We sold our house in Nova Scotia for 166,000 last fall before moving out here to Edmonton..My husband regrets taking his promotion..Which he shouldn't be.. He feels quility for us having to sell our home after the nightmare we faced when we were in Kingston and vowed we never live in Q's...
  4. Siggywife

    Strong, Independant woman crying alligator tears....

    Thanks ladies, I'm just going to go on with the next few months as I normally would, for now I just feel like the smiles are fake and I have to force myself to leave the house for fear of missing a call. I am not sure about the other ladies here but when Dh is away over the years I have...
  5. Siggywife

    Strong, Independant woman crying alligator tears....

    A really good heaping pile of clean laundry on his side of the bed.. ;D .. I don't watch the news or read the papers.. I don't sit around and wait for phone calls either.. The first three weeks are the hardest by then you have yourself in a routine.. You have to look at the positives while he...
  6. Siggywife

    Wow what a song and video

    Okay one word... :crybaby: Siggy
  7. Siggywife

    Fort Henry Drill

    Ah yes the older days.. I taught as a cadet as Check Check Bang.. But close enough.. Alot of the riffle drill has changed as well the kids are learning enfield drill as to the CF, most corps are still using the 22's.. I am unsure if they are still doing the Sunset Cermony it has been a few years...
  8. Siggywife

    Edmonton Thread- Merged

    We are also posted to Edmonton..Dh has been there now three weekson IR while we wait here in Nova Scotia for our house to sell.. I am almost afraid to even consider moving... My 3 yr old, 1800 sq ft bunglow we cant sell for 170,000... Housing isnt any help..with so many families moving back onto...
  9. Siggywife

    Biggest Problems for Military Families

    Our biggest issue is the constant losing of paper work... and constant changing of uppers... Once you get something settled someone new comes in and back to the beginning again..Its gets all to frustarting.. This is our second posting coming up and both times Dh was the one who informed his...
  10. Siggywife

    Information please (Husbands Schedule at new Posting)

    Well thanks for the info anyways.. Like I said before Kingston's idea of an exercise is a regular days work with some "different" stuff to do.. I guess the only thing to do is sit and wait.. Basically what I have been doing for the last ten years... LOL .. As far as the empty Q's go.. and the...
  11. Siggywife

    Information please (Husbands Schedule at new Posting)

    Thanks for the info.. After our short stay here which was supposed to be 2 to 3 years static after four months we were told we are leaving.. After buying a house ::) So the house is now on the market hopefully sold soon..As the clock is ticking for DH to leave.. If we sell the house within the...
  12. Siggywife

    Information please (Husbands Schedule at new Posting)

    I have seen a trend lately that any wife wo asked questions have been faced the negeative and sarcastic remarks... I just wanted to make sure that I for one wont tolerate that.. I tend to laugh things off and do understand my mistakes, driving four days to get to Pet..Now that was funny.. ;D...
  13. Siggywife

    Information please (Husbands Schedule at new Posting)

    FIRST of all I ain't no spring chicken so back off with the idiotic replies.. I am well aware of the ever so changing ways of of the military... SECONDLY this regards the welfare of my family and the possibly of losing a great job... and LASTLY if you don't have something nice to say THEN...
  14. Siggywife

    Information please (Husbands Schedule at new Posting)

    I wasnt sure if it were 1 or 2.. So please excuse the error...
  15. Siggywife

    Information please (Husbands Schedule at new Posting)

    I was wondering if some of yous cant help figure out what my Dh schedule maybe like when we get to Edmonton.. He is posted to 2 Service Battalion.. I would like to get an idea of how often he will be away..This will determine if I need to quit my job or just get a transfer.. Any information will...
  16. Siggywife

    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    I think before all these so called experts give their opinion they find out why the PMQ's are vacant and I highly doubt that anybody is living in a condemned house Urban Myth? I lived in a condemded unit for two years in Kingston... Any building in Kingston that has no mail boxes and more...
  17. Siggywife

    Sea cadet march pasts/parades--is there any historical basis for their format?

    With my SC unit as well as the Navy League we do divisions only and do march pasts only on the Annual Inspection day.. Siggy
  18. Siggywife

    Sea cadet march pasts/parades--is there any historical basis for their format?

    I think due to retstraints on size of Parade squares has a BIG impact on march past format... HMCS ONTARIO at RMC in Kingston Ontario and HMCS QUADRA in Comox BC have the exact same March past format just slightly different due to size... There is also the Cermonial Parades such as Cemermony of...
  19. Siggywife

    Has anyone heard of Red Friday's?

    A friend of mine is seeking more information regarding RED fridays..She is appearing on a local radio station and is trying to gather as much information as she can about this... How it came about? Why now? and how to get others involved?... SO if any of yous got any information or suggestions...
  20. Siggywife

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    1.  We live in MQs in Trenton.  It has it's positive and negative sides but all together we have no major complains so we plan on getting an MQ in Shearwater if one is available.  Any comments or suggestions about MQs in Shearwater?  How's the heating cost? How's the MQ area?  How long does it...