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  1. UB6IB9

    I came across this today on the official DND AF website….

    "What are the standards for pilot vision in the Canadian Forces? The recruiting standard for an untrained pilot applicant is currently under review. For more information, please contact your local recruiting office." I understand this question probably goes and comes around more than Paris...
  2. UB6IB9

    A/C Hours?

    hey avro, if you really wanted to serve your country...like you said....and not use the CF as a stepping stone to AC...like you said....why don't you join the infantry....uh uh uh but but??.....didn't think so.
  3. UB6IB9

    Diver Vision

    Thanks for the input gentlemen. The more I keep digging the more I want to switch over and pursue PID. I’ll let you guys know of the outcome. Thanks again, Cheers
  4. UB6IB9

    Diver Vision

    Actually cdnaviator, if you took the time to actually read over my original post I was clearly asking for insig.....nevermind I'll do it for you....... .....i was actually looking to hear from any Diver's who have had LASIK done? My info was from CFRC. by the way, thanks for your input Neil...
  5. UB6IB9

    Diver Vision

    A few years ago when I was entertaining the idea of joining the Naval Reserve I was speaking with a recruiter who told me PID’s need V2 and no laser surgery was allowed. I really wanted to be a diver and I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to join any other trade so I put Naval Reserve on the back...
  6. UB6IB9

    CIC Interview

    Thanks again for all the feedback. Cheers
  7. UB6IB9

    CIC Interview

    Just thought I’d thank all of you one more time for all the advice. The interview went well and was pretty short actually……..less than half an hour. The Capt. interviewing me told me he was going to forward the approval over that day as long as everything worked out okay with my medical…which it...
  8. UB6IB9

    CIC Interview

    WOW...thanks for taking the time out to post all that detailed information. I really appreciate it. My interview is in a few weeks. Thanks Again Cheers
  9. UB6IB9

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    this issue has been the subject of much debate for the past 10 years. everytime this issue comes out you hear "it's just around the corner" the same banter as "pilot will be put on the NAFTA trades list.....it's just around the corner" the fact is canada is just behind. the US military have...
  10. UB6IB9

    CIC Interview

    Thanks for all the info gents. Cheers
  11. UB6IB9

    CIC Interview

    Hey, I have my CIC medical and interview coming up in a couple weeks. I was just wondering what to expect for the interview part? Also for the interview should you dress along the lines of business casual? Cheers
  12. UB6IB9

    AIRNAV Reserve

    Thanks for the info. I had a feeling the CF Recruiting site was bullshit. Cheers
  13. UB6IB9

    AIRNAV Reserve

    Hey Guys, Potentially stupid question. Wondering if the AIRNAV trade is actually possible in the Reserves for non ex reg force guys. I see it advertised on the CF recruiting site, but when I called CFB Trenton they said they have a huge waiting list...and they don't really hire off the street...
  14. UB6IB9

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    Well the reason I asked this question is because I heard (could be b.s. that's why i'm asking) of a guy who had alot of turbine helo time and got into the reserves; who had laser. But since he had laser he was confined to helo and there was no hope of him ever cross training to fixed wing. The...
  15. UB6IB9

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    alrighty...thanks. just thought i'd ask. cheers
  16. UB6IB9

    Reserve Pilot Tac Hel Req

    Hey, Before anyone goes off on me, I did do a search and could not find the info. I know that to be a CF pilot you need 20/20 uncorrected..no contacts, laser ect. I was told laser is a no no because of the eject forces on the eye when in primary. But what about Tac Hel in the reserves.  If a...