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  1. GNR

    Old Wool Field Shirt vs Fleece

    Count me in Matt!
  2. GNR

    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    Check with your course staff, but I wouldn't predict any free weekends.
  3. GNR

    What does Arty do in A-stan?

    Uhmmm...YES, quite a few gunners are now using Mortars as their weapon system.
  4. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Thanks Teddy. I can't help but fear that with-out practice we may fail, but I understand why we aren't part of the exercises.
  5. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    LMAO 2CDO, you're too much. Read my posts, I have never claimed that I was to be the planning expert, or that I had the solution.  I am NOT the SME in this subject, I asked why we were not involved in an exercise that we could use to prove the skills we are suppossed to use to bail out an...
  6. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Sorry, I meant this sarcastically, to point out that others in a much higher pay bracket than me also feel we should be part of a response effort.
  7. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Yeah, thanks paracowboy I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't have even bothered with my original question if that would have been in the article. But then I started getting questioned on why we should be involved at all.....
  8. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Thanks for the more reasonable response Piker!  I intended this to be a constructive conversation, if I wanted to have an argument I would have asked my wife the question. (It's not that she is argumentative, it's just that it is potentially more training that I would be away for) ;) I reviewed...
  9. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Yup Horseguard you are right, we have lots to sort out so that if we do get the call we know what the heck we are doing. Participating in a couple of these exercises would help take the guess work out.
  10. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    We have been slotted with the task of being the final solution, should the crap hit the fan.  We are expected to succeed, right? As I said earlier, being that we have not been actively part of the effort I can't say what skills we need, those would come to light in participation of a first...
  11. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Michael, I've never said this was a critical function of the CF, but it IS one that we are expected to do if the crap hits the fan.  With-out participating in these exercises it is impossible to know what is exactly is expected of us. Do we require more training?  I'm not sure.  Most likely we...
  12. GNR

    Toronto tests response to terrorist attacks

    Piper, in the spirit of "playing nice", I'll elaborate a bit more, with-out playing into the smart-a$$ comments about the nice big colourful pictures.. No arguing that.  Sending troops in when they are not required would just add to the already insuing chaos. Exactly the problem that I am...
  13. GNR

    What do you carry?

    GNR has witnessed mudgunner49 speaking in the 3rd person while on the range, GNR finds it very frightening. Mudgunner49 does alot of that, and GNR thinks GNR has heard him call his pistol "Precious" once or twice.
  14. GNR

    What do you carry?

    Uhmmm.....YoshinRyu, you do know this is an Army forum eh? Maybe you should post your camping questions in a camping forum...then again I can bet that most campers would find wearing webbing out camping as strange as we do.
  15. GNR

    What do you carry?

    If the naked section attack goes down, please DON'T post pics.
  16. GNR

    To be Officer or not to be

    I commissioned AFTER joining (I was an NCM for 6 years), it was a pain and took over a year to complete. I would recommend you choose a career based on which one better suites your wants, needs and personality instead of the time-frame.
  17. GNR

    Problems with CADPAT

    GEO, I definately meant it as a joke.
  18. GNR

    Correct Grammar, Punctuation... vs Text (Tweets, Emoji…)

    LMAO!  George, that was great! BTW MG I had the same fear when making the wise crack.
  19. GNR

    Google Maps - take a look

    Wether or not we can stop it is another issue all together, it still could be a problem.