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  1. jmorische

    Suicide bomb kills two Canadian troops, civilian in Kandahar - 27 Nov 2006

    See CBC for update. One name already released. RIP.
  2. jmorische

    Reserve-Stalwart Guardian 05

    A few more pennies to throw into the ring... On the point of armoured recce. In our case armoured recce was across the river and in place to establish a fiegn for the attck. The unfortunate event however was that they (two patrols, including the patrol commander) were captured by the EN force...
  3. jmorische

    Reserve-Stalwart Guardian 05

    As to the question of why we couldn't get a platoon across the river... All bridges were in "Enemy" hands so regular lift across was not an option. No helicopters...when I asked the ALO for a night lift they actually snickered at my request...that was classy. No birds, no trucks, so the final...
  4. jmorische

    Reserve-Stalwart Guardian 05

    For my part, I acted as the OPs O for F COY 32 LIB for this one and here are a couple of bits for people to chew on: 1. 1RCR did an excellent job in preparing their positions and providing a solid, thinking and professional enemy force that ramped up the level of training for everyone...
  5. jmorische

    48th highlanders

    Tess, Long time no hear why don't you come down to MPA again and get back in? Dileas. Capt. J. A. Morische
  6. jmorische

    What is your military status?

    Officer, infantry reserve. Joined in 1997. Dileas.