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  1. Arty Sim

    VAC wait times

    sorry, but I wouldn’t call tinnitus a “ rush “ claim, wait time tool says average wait for a decision is 17 weeks, I’m at triple that now
  2. Arty Sim

    VAC Return to Lifetime Pensions Discussion

    l was medically released 2 decades ago and disappeared, l resurfaced to realize I was entitled to all manner of benefits, IMO, the offering of lump sums is what jammed the VAC system, many soldiers had busted parts that they ignored, as I find those ultimately suffering mostly do so in silence...
  3. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    physical, I can understand but what kind of mental testing can they do to assess your level of PTSD.?
  4. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    So are you currently now DEC, did CVVRS contact you directly or just read your VAC file and make a recommendation back to VAC without directly involving you
  5. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    So CVVRS got your file from VAC and just made decision you are DEC and phoned you with that result? You never first had to meet with a CVVRS rep and do any physical/mental testing to see where you are at?
  6. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    I read about some vets who have an "awesome" Case Manager, and others say their CM is a different "A" word. Where do you go when you suggest to your CM that you would like to apply for DEC status, but the CM refuses to help?. You can apply for REHAB and CIA on your own but a recommendation for...
  7. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    what would sever be in percentages for hearing alone, I mean my hearing loss might be 1 % it`s not actioned on yet, Tinnitus is probably 5-10%, then I think there is an added 1 % for QOL, it sucks but I wouldn`t classsify it as debilitating
  8. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    I`m new to all of this , I think the rehab program I did was through ltd/sissip , I dont know if thats the same as VAC? how bad would your hearing have to be to be considered a disability, past 5%? or much greater, same goes for back and and arm injuries, if a vet was 5% lumbar, 5% cervical, 5%...
  9. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    Thanks, I was focusing totally on my PTSD %, but you’re telling that in an application for CIA grades and DEC I should include my other injuries like hearing, back ,arm, I just assumed VAC had all that information in my file and would take that into consideration automatically. I already did a...
  10. Arty Sim

    DEC and CIA

    I was wondering if others here would be interested in commenting - I have had numerous injuries over decades, both physical and mental.Though I was aware of how to file a disability claim I did not know about things like CIA,ELB,DEC nor did my Case Manager ever bring them up to me in a...