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Search results

  1. Stumpy Goat

    April 17 BMQ

    I couldn't find the group when i looked a little while ago.  And thank you! very excited!
  2. Stumpy Goat

    April 17 BMQ

    I got the call too for Infantry!  Can't wait to meet everyone!
  3. Stumpy Goat

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Got the offer today! Swearing in April 5th and BMQ on April 17th
  4. Stumpy Goat

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    All and all, i think everything is moving very well! Recruiting Center: Barrie Regular/ Reserve: Regular NCM Trade Choice #1: Infantry Trade Choice #2: Combat Engineer Applied: Oct, 2016 First Contact: Oct, 2016 CFAT: Oct, 2015 (Passed) Interview: Jan 18, 2017 (Passed) Medical: Jan 17, 2017...
  5. Stumpy Goat

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    I do many different things when it comes to fitness, and preparing for my future career (hopefully) in the CAF.  I do cardio and resistance training and i know i can just go on google and find new things to do in my routines, but i am more interested in what YOU guys and gals did/do for your...
  6. Stumpy Goat

    ReOpening My File and Required Documents

    Thanks! Very excited to get that call or email!
  7. Stumpy Goat

    ReOpening My File and Required Documents

    Did my medical on Jan 17th, and Interview on the 18th.  No speed bumps (knock on wood) so far! just have to hand in my college transcript next week and then we wait! :D Beyond happy with how things are moving right now.
  8. Stumpy Goat

    ReOpening My File and Required Documents

    *UPDATE*  Going to have a medical scheduled when they receive my file from London! 
  9. Stumpy Goat

    ReOpening My File and Required Documents

    Had to submit an application again but! The process has started, and I am excited to get the ball rolling!
  10. Stumpy Goat

    ReOpening My File and Required Documents

    Thank you for the fast response mariomike!
  11. Stumpy Goat

    ReOpening My File and Required Documents

    Hello everyone, I am new to the site and just had a quick question.  I am finally going to pursuit my dream of being in the CF.  I applied last year and got to the point where i was going for my medical and interview, but had a family emergency arise and could not continue the process.  I am...