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  1. W

    Well...I got the call.....

    Well, being openly insulted is one thing, but some of these posts are just unhelpful and meaningless to me. I can care less what any of you think of my desire to be an officer, not a non-com, an officer. I find some posts annoying, when it is an officer taking offense at my disinterest in being...
  2. W

    Well...I got the call.....

    I hardly think this is true and even if it were the case, it would be unjustified for all the Army ROTP selection board knew. I do not want to be a NCM because I have always dreamed of leading, not following. I could no bear to take orders from a young Lt., knowing full well I could have been...
  3. W

    Well...I got the call.....

    I did not get accepted for the first round, what a surprise. Now my life is really in the shiter, not only has my first year at University more or less gone to waste, now this. My morale is at an all-time low, I don't even want to apply the next year, I feel like my entire career path has been...
  4. W

    My concerns about my career

    First let me introduce myself. I am an 18 year old University of Ottawa student, currently applied into the ROTP program. I am in my first year and my choice trade was an 1.Artillery Officer, 2.Armour Officer, 3.MARS Officer, but after my medical it was discovered that I have a colour deficiency...