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  1. E

    Water at BMQ

    Please tell me you're not joining as a plumber.... then again, please tell me you're not signing up for ANY engineering trades.  :facepalm: Someday, someone is going to have to break this to you... might as well be me.  That fancy bottled water everyone loves is tap water.  Yes.  It really is...
  2. E

    U.S. 2012 Election

    When we're talking about the same country that re-elected Bush, nothing, no matter how far fetched, illogical or just plain ridiculous is out of the question. Maybe someone here sees a competent leader who can manage the mess they are in.  Not sure that I do.  Not expecting them to find a guy...
  3. E

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Clearly too early to call any 'renewable' anything more than a supplement to existing energy sources but the fact remains that fossil fuel sources are becoming more and more expensive.  While the German experience seems to be a failure for all other than the solar industry, the status quo...
  4. E

    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    maybe i'll just stand back to the wall in the showers...  :whistle:
  5. E

    How scientifically literate are you? Take the quiz

    35/50  but i'm a dumbass  :P
  6. E

    Quebec Tory Senator: Give murderers rope for their cells

    There are cases like Bernardo and that jackass ex-colonel where the woodchipper would be the preferred option.  Where the 'run of the mill' murderer gets involved is in the cut off.  Which cases exactly should be capital ones and how certain should you be of guilt.  In our system, guilty is...
  7. E

    Average time between Posting Message and posting?

    There are no norms with this.  You'll get a posting message just as soon as a decision is made as to what is to be done with you.  I'm no expert on postings, but I was posted 8 times (only counting the ones that involved different time zones). Often the message came out in the spring and was...
  8. E

    Quebec Tory Senator: Give murderers rope for their cells

    Couldn't agree more.  If execution is what society wants, we should be witness to it.  There is nothing humane about killing someone who doesn't want to die, so drop the pretense and hang them in the town square.  Free admission, and no restrictions for the press.  Want to show how the head...
  9. E

    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    I wouldn't expect anyone to hold those views, yet the argument seems to be that if someone holds racist and authoritarian views, they must be right-wingers.  The real argument here has nothing to do with right vs left, more to do with racist vs not as racist if those are the types of questions...
  10. E

    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    "In adulthood, the children were asked whether they agreed with statements such as, 'I wouldn't mind working with people from other races,' and 'I wouldn't mind if a family of a different race moved next door.' They were also asked whether they agreed with statements about typically right-wing...
  11. E

    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    It is... and i'm still looking  8)
  12. E

    Right-wingers are less intelligent than left-wingers: Study

    This is a ridiculous topic.  To pigeon-hole all people into one of 2 ill-defined groups is foolish enough.  To declare one of these imaginary groups to be more intelligent than the other without quantifying exactly what they mean by intelligence is even more foolish. Are Asians smarter than...
  13. E

    Paratrooper faces charges for punching Taliban insurgent

    give me a break!!! A court martial????  WTF So he punched the guy... Bad Corporal, now go peel potatoes for the rest of the day.  Done.  Imagine if every punch thrown by a soldier ended in a court martial.  :facepalm: Who the hell is this guy's supervisor???  Someone should be standing up for him. 
  14. E

    "Australian Defence Spending Puts Canada to Shame"

    Other than our biggest trading partner and ally, there really is no one within a few thousand km of this country who poses any real threat unless of course you want to include our arctic vs russian arctic or greenland. The same cannot be said for Australia.  They have credible threats to their...
  15. E

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Oh yes!  It sure would send a STRONG message.  I expect that if we closed our embassy, peace would break out immediately and they'd open a McDonalds on every street corner.  :sarcasm:  Just my opinion... but I'd think that if you're after a diplomatic solution, you may want to have the odd...
  16. E

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Hey... wanna just go for a coffee?  Need a friend??  :mg:
  17. E

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Wait till you're all grown up, put away the hash pipe, get a job.  After all that, you can come and have an intelligent discussion about politics.  For now, why not just go grab some munchies and crash for a bit in your 'occupy' tent?
  18. E

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    WTF?!?  I'm guessing you've never met a Canadian soldier.  If you had, you'd realize the complete stupidity of suggesting anything as ridiculous as this.  :facepalm: Don't like the government?  Vote against them, as is your right.  No idea what you might understand as 'unconventional means', but...
  19. E

    Quebec Tory Senator: Give murderers rope for their cells

    Can't "give him a rope".  Assisting suicide is a crime in this country.  When you can't legally help a loved one who is begging you to help them die, helping the criminals to commit suicide isn't going to fly.  Yes, i'd love to see a guy like Russell Williams kill himself and do us all a favour...