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  1. E

    "The Liberals shall rise again," says Conrad Black

    Cretin was a lying bastard who would sell his mother for a vote.  We'd have been better off with my dog running the country.
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    Military families living in mould-infested homes: Ombudsman

    Back in the day when I lived on Antwerp at Pet I recall CE coming to repair a broken front door jamb by inserting a length of hockey stick and securing it with 3" screws that went right through the glass side light beside the door.  They told me "at least the door jamb is fixed!" and left. ...
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    6 Stupid Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)

    ya, I remember the 1st time I saw a hand grenade being thrown (real one, lol).  What a disappointment!!!!!
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    Alberta Election (23 Apr 12)

    You're right.  'hate oil' is a poor way to phrase it.  As I said, i've no intention of turning off my heat or parking my trucks, but at the same time i'm very aware that when you burn a non-renewable resource, you must by definition have less of that resource remaining. Oil has allowed us to...
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    "The Liberals shall rise again," says Conrad Black

    They should really try to get Conrad Black to lead the Liberal Party.  He's the embodiment of everything they believe in!  Criminal meglomaniac.... yup, perfect!
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    Alberta Election (23 Apr 12)

    I don't see how we are selling 'sovereignty'.  We are selling a product which in this case is an upgraded raw material.  If there were a shortage of refining capacity out here, believe me, we'd build refineries.  The fact of the matter is that the refining capacity already exists, what we lack...
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    Alberta Election (23 Apr 12)

    Yes, same here.  Love that other wildrose guy who went on about his having a 'white advantage'.  Wasn't a huge PC fan before, but I like what Redford did with her budget and I see some direction with her that was absent under Stelmach.
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    6 Stupid Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)

    not sure about a mac10, but I wouldn't want to be in the same room where a cocked SMG gets dropped down the stairs
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    The First World War is nothing to be proud of (John Moore)

    By that measure, Rwanda should last 1000 years. 
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    The First World War is nothing to be proud of (John Moore)

    not to mention some 40 years worth of nuclear standoff
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    The First World War is nothing to be proud of (John Moore)

    I see this article as simply bemoaning the glorification of war in a country that really is a bastion of peace in a messed up world.  Nowhere in this do I see any disrespect towards our fallen, our military or anything other than the leaders who precipitated what really and truly was a foolish...
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    PM Chretein did all right by us

    Hey!  So how about that Kim Campbell!!!! 
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    PM Chretein did all right by us

    No doubt... Even his mom wouldn't say that he 'did alright by us'. Maybe we need a thread like "the LSVW was the most thought out and prudent purchase ever made by DND"
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    PM Chretein did all right by us

    I've less to do right now, so here it is... http://www.freedominion.com.pa/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=294444 Not sure how accurate this source is, but it provides enough detail that someone with even more time than I could easily fact-check it. i'm not Harper's biggest fan by any means, but the...
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    Media Bias [Merged]

    That is just a fantastic piece of 'News".  Not a single link between the military 'war games' and this dead orca and yet the article goes on and on about a supposed link. It would be funny if I weren't funding it.  I'd say it did make sense to have a CBC back when there were limited means of...
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    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    That is exactly the sort of media crap i'm talking about.  Not just Ivison, but I also read a piece which broke down the percentages for which we've used our aircraft for different missions.  I think it was in the National Post, but the idea was that since we've never been the ones to do those...
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    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    F35 is the right plane.  You can't base future requirements on past needs, you have to assume the worst case and have at least some degree of readiness and inter-operability should it come to that.  Drives me nuts when the media types go on about how we don't need stealth or whatever else... as...
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    U.S. 2012 Election

    Nice one!  lol  Love it!  Not sure what exactly the message here is... perhaps that those evil Russians are gonna get us if Obama wins?  Think i'll get back to work on my bunker and watch Red Dawn a few times.
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    PM Chretein did all right by us

    You cannot possibly have 'honour' in the same sentence as that jackass.  Canadian Airborne Regiment.  Enough said.  I'm with Sythen... Our allies fought and we should have fought with them.  The fact that Bush was full of it wasn't entirely clear until after the fact otherwise no one would have...
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    Yeah, us Airborne types are pretty awesome  :nod: