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  1. E

    The "Occupy" Movement

    We live in interesting times.  Yes, it does seem like spoiled kids complaining about their 1st world problems, but things are different today as compared even to a decade ago.  The middle class has been increasingly pushed out as free trade/globalization allows more and more work to be sourced...
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    What kind of Canadian are you? (Unscientific quiz)

    BC ??  One of the very few places i've never lived.  Maybe I should!
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    If you haven't been to Afghanistan shut up.

    Funny how that Air of Superiority gets into some of the troops.  Was likely our major downfall in the Cdn AB Regt.  Took years of 'deprogramming' for me to realize that just because a person hadn't jumped full equipment at night from 800' that they aren't automatically inferior.  I see that same...
  4. E

    If you haven't been to Afghanistan shut up.

    Thank god!  I was starting to think I was the only one completely sick to death of the "fighting for your freedom" crap.  If the military is your chosen profession, you must have had some clue that at some point the job could get pretty tough in more ways than one.  You still signed up.  Please...
  5. E

    revocation of commission

    Quite a sad situation his "friend" is in... Hope his "friend" learns to play well with others in the future.  :2c:
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    Prostate problems and the CF

    Hope it all works out for you with the surgery.  I was released 3b a few years ago over kidney stones.  Never missed a day of work with it, never missed a task or deployment, was and still am in pretty damn good shape and was top of the merit list in my trade.  Didnt matter... system put me on...
  7. E

    A new low for refugees in Canada

    Definitions of refugee and immigrant apply neither to Byron from the article or my grandfather.  My grandfather entered illegally stowing away on a ship.  I'd imagine Bryon was in a similar situation since after 5 years he still didnt have his status. .  I sympathize with the Dr in the article...
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    A new low for refugees in Canada

    The article makes it clear that this person was not accepted as a refugee in this country.  Given that, any discussion of health care rights for refugees is completely inapplicable. Yes, maybe poor Byron got a raw deal when he decided that Canada was the place to get refugee status, but his case...
  9. E

    CFB Edmonton Vehicle Fire

    kinda warm out for the infamous fuel fired heater... they still have those things?  They were always causing fires. 
  10. E

    Ottawa refugee opens new restaurant

    I HATE restaurants  :deadhorse:
  11. E

    Its all Greek to Quebec

    Really?  I'd LOVE to see that $7 daycare out here in AB.  $650 a month per kid is more like it... keeps people out of the workforce at a time when we are short workers.  Then again, nothing is free.  If its such a great program and injects $1.5B into the economy, why is it not universally...
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    Sea Shepherd's Watson arrested in Germany

    He might want to avoid French ports... just saying.
  13. E

    Medvedev: Russia may target missile defense sites

    awwww good old apocalyptic rhetoric from the Soviets!  I mean the Russians!!  Brings me back.... Seriously, though, these sort of statements are meaningless pandering to his electorate and really quite tame when compared to the sorts of statements they would regularly issue during the cold war...
  14. E

    Alberta Election (23 Apr 12)

    Good post.  That really sums up nicely what happened here.  One grass roots movement led to an opposing movement to which the WR were ill-prepared.  Allison knows she needs to be careful... this could have gone either way very easily despite the appearance of a strong majority. I see one of two...
  15. E

    6 Stupid Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)

    I'm no sniper, but trained with the snipers on our team plenty out at CFSAC back in the day when it was called that.  A few of our matches were at the 500m point with the good old iron sight C7 and yes, I could hit that bull fairly regularly at that range.  For our snipers who at that time were...
  16. E

    Media Bias [Merged]

    Guess it depends where you are whether or not you thought that were possible.  From my vantage point, the WR weren't going anywhere.  A week ago I felt differently, but the huge grassroots movement to elect anyone but them made it pretty unlikely.  As long as they continue to alienate the...
  17. E

    Total mystery here (drill commands)

    No offence to the officers here, but many a time on the parade square we'd practice and practice and practice with all the commands given by an NCO.  Later when the real parade happens, the officer tasked with giving these commands and maybe having had one rehearsal to our dozens screws it up. ...
  18. E

    Media Bias [Merged]

    Like the great Stewie Griffin once sang... "Establishment, Establishment, you always know what's best"
  19. E

    Media Bias [Merged]

    Ya, we sure must be!  Poor old Alberta has been run right into the ground... so hard to make a decent living, can't seem to balance that nasty budget, no growth... just a terrible state of affairs we are in!  If things were any worse, people would think this was Ontario!!!  lol 
  20. E

    Alberta Election (23 Apr 12)

    Danielle Smith failed not on economic policy, but rather on social policy.  She will have to learn the same lessons the Reform party did... move closer to the centre, drop religion, better screening of candidates and dump them immediately if they comment on issues the gov't has no business in ie...