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  1. R

    Canadian Troops in Sinai under attack?

    Haven't seen anything about this in the Canadian news.  Hopefully everyone is OK. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/egypt/10316199/Sinai-peacekeepers-under-siege-as-Egypt-battles-Islamists.html
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    Museum parts used to maintain Herc

    The parts that they are talking about are a fairly recent upgrade of the E and H model Hercules.  They upgraded the avionics and cockpit of all E and H models just prior to 2000 to give them a nice new glass cockpit.  All aircraft were upgraded, including those that were at the end of their...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    The article is in error.  The USCG bought the CN235, not the C295.  Further, the reason for the USCG interest in the C-27J is that they can get them for free.
  4. R

    Harper wants a pretty white plane ...

    Of course, there are a few historic RCAF aircraft with similar colors
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    SAR Response Under the Gun Again

    Ad Vigilamus Undis.  Outstanding response from both Flights, including last Weekend.  BZ
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    Don Cherry to receive honorary doctorate from RMC

    Bottom line is that in situations like this, leaders like Lew Mackenzie and Len Birchall instinctively and quickly did what was right, not what was popular (or politically correct).  When the Royal Military College did not immediately react to this situation by doing what was right (ie...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    At the risk of going over old ground, which has been previously beat to death, a C-295 does not need to be stationed in the North to meet the requirement.  If the CF orders on Crew day are used, the C-295 can do the mission to the North from Winnipeg or Comox, as per the CF requirement, in one...
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    CP-140 Aurora

    Unfortunately, paving a runway in the Arctic is not as simple as it sounds.  Once paved, the black asphalt heats up so much that the underlying permafrost melts and the runway sinks into the ground.  That is why most northern runways remain gravel surfaced.
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    The Chuck Cadman Merged Thread

    Old Sweat has nailed it.  This is just a drive by smear.
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    Cormorant problems

    The problem is not the number of aircraft, it is a lack of support from the manufacturer.  Having more airframes to strip parts off is not a reasonable solution.  When we had 14 Labrador helicopters, we managed to provide service to four squadrons with predictable and acceptable availability. ...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    According to what I have read on other sites, this story was generated as a follow-on to an Alenia press release advising that they were going to an airshow in Australia.  Until you see something from the Australia government, I would not get too excited. The story behind it is that the US is...
  12. R

    CH47 Chinook

    Some bad news at the link, hope it doesn't impact DND too much.... http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2007/02/AFcsarx070226/
  13. R

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    The Buff is a great airplane, and the crews are justifyably very supportive of it.  The problem is that it is an orphan.  It is not just the engines - parts are increasingly hard to find, and since Brazil has decided to retire their Buff fleet, it will get worse.  Everything from tires to...
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    The reason that they are providing lump sums instead of a pension is that we lost the pension when they brought in the New Veterans Charter.  The CF did what they could to get better benefits for the troops, but were steamrolled by the Liberals supporting VAC as they wanted to make it look like...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    I refuse to be caught up in an unprofessional name calling exercise, nor will I retaliate.  I believe the fact that the National SAR Manual is on the internet makes it open source,it can be found at  http://www.casaraontario.ca/~webmaster1/Manuals/NationalSARmanual_full_english.pdf .  Fact...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    In the interests of accuracy, I will add a couple of points, and then you can decide which end of the horse is which.  The issues that I have raised on the SOR have been provided to me by concerned members of the SAR community, who feel that the coalface has lost the ability to have input into...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    The following text is from a post which I put forward on Jan 6, 2006, where I believe I "came clean" .  I stand by my comments, and by the text that I have put forward.  It is too bad that there are those with certain agenda's who are now attacking my personal credibility.  I will refrain from...
  18. R

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    This is intentional misinformation by Alenia.  In the Canadian Forces, the maneuvering speed that is used for searching and aerial delivery for CC 130s Hercules aircraft is defined as : the 45 degree bank power-off stall speed, plus 20 knots indicated airspeed (for safety consideration). ...
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    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    For Zoomie, enjoy the Buff time, it is a unique aircraft - but we will have to replace it eventually.  There are a couple of statements that need to be clarified - I know where you got the misinformation, I have read Alenia's website as well, but that does not make it gospel. The C-295 was...