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Search results

  1. Tralax

    I'm over-weight how much does it affect my recruitment

    Last July, I weighed 269 lbs (height is 6').  36.5 BMI.  Since then I have joined Weight Watchers, started exercising in August 2012.  Today I am 170 lbs.  23 BMI.  I can run 5 km in around 27 minutes.  I run 10 km in under an hour.  I use weights 2-3 times a week.  All it takes to...
  2. Tralax

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Update: I received an email May 15 informing me that they would be proceeding with my application.  My file will be sent to CFRC Oshawa, still waiting to hear from them.
  3. Tralax

    CMP - GC Key login authentication failed

    Thank you so much for your help! I am going to wait until after April 1 to call the RC, because of the fiscal year end.
  4. Tralax

    CMP - GC Key login authentication failed

    Has anyone else had an authentication failed message in the last few days to access your application status? I have been checking it frequently lately and starting yesterday I have had a message pop up that says "Authentication Failed.  Please try a different credential or try again"  I have...
  5. Tralax

    Lululemon recalls pants for being see-through

    Weren't they supposed to be see-through?
  6. Tralax

    April 27th BMOQ

    This only applies to current CF members, for recruits it doesn't take effect until April 1, 2014 as per below: This quote was taken from: https://www.cfpsa.com/en/AboutUs/PSP/DFIT/Fitness/FORCEprogram/Pages/FAQs.aspx Just an FYI.  :salute:
  7. Tralax

    be prepared.

    I thought they went in Civi Lock-up? Only to be handed out after the first 5 weeks, and then only for use on weekends? I could be wrong as I haven't started BMQ yet, but I have read a pretty much all the material on CFLRS website, forces.ca, and a lot of topics on these forums..
  8. Tralax

    BMNQ 2013-Current: Naval Reserve

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong here but I think dependant on what trade you go into you may be trained at a local reserve unit or you may still have to go to a occupational specific base to be trained.
  9. Tralax

    April 27th BMOQ

    For anyone that doesn't know already, here are 2 great shows done by the CF about BMQ. http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land-terre/life-vie/basic-voie/index-eng.asp They were done a few years ago and some things have changed since then but still amazing insight.
  10. Tralax

    April 27th BMOQ

    Yes Seawolf, that's what I meant. Sorry for the confusion, I didn't word it properly.
  11. Tralax

    April 27th BMOQ

    Does anyone know if they alternate between officers and NCMs for BMQ as far as platoons go?
  12. Tralax

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I was told that in April they assess what they need for the year and then start really recruiting for the year...  Anyone else hear something similar?
  13. Tralax

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting centre: Online/Oshawa Regular/ Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Entry Plan: UnSkilled Trade choice 1: - Weapons Tech - Land Trade choice 2: - Construction Tech Trade choice 3: - Cook Application date: Feb 19, 2013 CFAT completed: Medical completed: - Interview completed: - ASC...