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  1. C

    PMQ's Regulations?

    My point is simply that CFHA and the MPs are there to take care of that kind of problems. It's their job. I can't see how flaunting your rank in you neighbours' faces to try 'n make them obey could be a good solution. I don't think it would accomplish anything except pissing them off and making...
  2. C

    PMQ's Regulations?

    I think in some cases living next door to a slob can be as much of a pain in the ass than living next door to someone who takes himself extremely seriously...  ::)
  3. C

    Is there any way to know what the INSIDE of a PMQ looks like BEFORE moving ??

    Thanks a lot everyone for your two cents and informations. I have a question for army girl/army wife and NavyGirl280 or anyone else who might know the answer. It's about the PMQs in Greenwood NS... I have to know, what are the bathrooms like ?? I know, I know, it probably sounds like a very...
  4. C

    Is there any way to know what the INSIDE of a PMQ looks like BEFORE moving ??

    Have you (or anyone else reading this post) ever seen what the PMQs of Greenwood NS look like (inside I mean) ?? 'Cause that's where I'm going this summer with my boyfriend and we're still wondering if we should buy a house or live in a PMQ for the first year. It's our first ever posting. Thanks
  5. C

    Is there any way to know what the INSIDE of a PMQ looks like BEFORE moving ??

    Wow... Your post was really depressing hehe.. In how many PMQs have you lived ?? Are they all the same or are some bases worst than others in terms of PMQs maintenance ?? It's weird because I read somewhere that the government had recently ordered some renovations on many PMQs so I thought it...
  6. C

    Is there any way to know what the INSIDE of a PMQ looks like BEFORE moving ??

    Hello everyone, I'd like to know if pictures of the inside of PMQs are available somewhere. I checked on the canadian forces various websites and I found nothing. There were the measurements of each PMQs, the prices of the rent, small pics of the exterior of PMQs and that's it. But I'm curious...
  7. C

    Our dilemma : Nova Scotia or Ontario ??

    A big thank you to everyone who took the time to write a little something. Just for the record, my boyfriend and I got the final answer from the army and it's official, we're going to Greenwood this summer. I sure hope the people who claimed that Greenwood is a great place to live are right...
  8. C

    Quelqu'un peut me dire ce qu'est exactement l'EDO ??

    Merci à vous deux de m'avoir répondu. quebecrunner, personellement j'ai fait un bacc aussi mais ce que je me demande cest si ton bacc doit avoir rapport à la profession que tu voudrais faire dans l'armée pour être admissible au programme EDO ou si ça ne compte pas vraiment car ils vont te...
  9. C

    Quelqu'un peut me dire ce qu'est exactement l'EDO ??

    Salut à vous tous, il y a quelques jours je regardais le site des forces aériennes et j'ai lu dans la section "programmes d'enrôlement pour officiers" (réserve) qu'il y avait un programme qui s'appelle EDO, enrôlement direct en qualité d'officier. L'explication était assez brève alors je me...
  10. C

    Our dilemma : Nova Scotia or Ontario ??

    Hello everyone, I'm not in the military but my boyfriend is (he's a tech in the air force) and we have to choose between two locations for our next posting: Greenwood or Trenton. Here is our dilemma; if we choose Greenwood, we know the PMQs, food, electricity, etc won't be too costly, BUT...
  11. C

    Les PMQ de Shearwater et Greenwood

    Bonjour, j'aimerais en savoir plus sur les PMQ de Shearwater et Greenwood. Je sais que je peux vérifier les prix et les dimensions sur un site des forces, mais j'aimerais plutôt savoir de quoi ont l'air ces PMQ à l'intérieur. Ont-ils été rénovés récemment ? Sont-ils plutôt vieux et amochés ...
  12. C

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    Hello everyone, I would like to get info about the PMQs in Shearwater and Greenwood. I looked on the CF website for the prices but of course they won't say if the PMQs are in good shape or if they're old and would need repairs. On another topic here I read that there is a REAL problem with many...
  13. C

    Un service de traduction dans l'armée ?

    Merci à vous deux, je suis très contente d'avoir eu des réponses. J'espère vraiment qu'il y a des jobs en traduction sur les bases canadiennes sinon je sais foutrement pas c'que j'vais faire comme travail sur les "posting" de mon chum, surtout qu'on pourrait se retrouver dans des toutes...
  14. C

    Un service de traduction dans l'armée ?

    Bonjour, quelqu'un m'a dit récemment que dans chaque base militaire canadienne (spécialement dans les provinces anglophones) il y aurait un service de traduction qui emploie des traducteurs civils. J'aimerais savoir si certains parmi vous peuvent confirmer ou démentir cette information ?? Cela...
  15. C

    Tips for an "army girlfriend" who'll be posted for the 1st time

    Thanks a lot for the info Springroll, I'll remember that if we end up in Nova Scotia. I have another question... In one post you mentionned "the Green Book" and you said it helped you a lot the first time you moved, what is "the Green Book" and how can I get it ??
  16. C

    Tips for an "army girlfriend" who'll be posted for the 1st time

    to Springroll : YES I am the same woman who asked about the translation jobs in Nova Scotia  :) Our first choice of posting is Nova Scotia (Greenwood or Shearwater), we don't know for sure if we'll get it, but I'm trying to collect information about this place anyways in case we do end up...
  17. C

    Tips for an "army girlfriend" who'll be posted for the 1st time

    Hi everyone, I'm 24 years old and in June 2006, when my boyfriend finishes his course in St-Jean, we will be posted somewhere in Canada, maybe in Nova Scotia if we're lucky enough to get our 1st choice. It's the very first posting for both of us because before my boyfriend was in the reserve...
  18. C

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    Thanks a lot, that's a good idea. What I would need to know is if a degree in teaching is required to teach French in schools in Nova Scotia, or if being bilingual is enough ?? Because I'm bilingual and I have a degree in translation but NOT in teaching. If you could ask that question to your...
  19. C

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    Thanks a lot to everyone who answered my question. Your information is VERY valuable to me. I don't know much about Nova Scotia and this is the first time in my life that I will go on a posting with my boyfriend, so of course I'm kind of nervous and I have many questionings about it. My main...
  20. C

    Cherche info sur postings en Nouvelle-Écosse

    Un grand merci à tout ceux et celles qui ont pris le temps de répondre à ma question, toutes vos informations me sont très très utiles. C'est la première fois de ma vie que je vais aller en posting avec mon chum alors évidemment je suis un peu nerveuse, je me pose beaucoup de questions et...