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  1. anton

    Vacation prior to BMQ

    Oh you don't understand. I just have to go through the rituals and be a monk for a week. This isn't a 'for-the-rest-of-my-life' kinda thing.
  2. anton

    Vacation prior to BMQ

    Uhm...yah...what's wrong with becoming a monk? After all, I AM asian and a buddhist.
  3. anton

    Vacation prior to BMQ

    Hi all, I recently got sworn in on Oct. 24th. And I'm picking up my kit sometime this week. And I've been told that my BMQ starts in January. However, my mom would like to take me to Thailand to become ordained as a monk prior to BMQ in december. We'd be outta Canada for the whole month and...
  4. anton

    Canadians Flocking To Recruiting Centers

    HAHAHAH...big laugh when I read that. Seriously WTF? Headlines are getting dumber and dumber nowadays...
  5. anton

    My friend is an idiot...

    This reminds me of a saying I heard.. "One man's trash is another man's treasure" Orrrrr something along those lines...
  6. anton

    Anxiety before BMQ

    As of now, I have completed the application process and now waiting for the call. I'm practicing my pushups and swimming in the meantime. However, I can't help but feel extremely anxious and even dreaded of BMQ. All I can think of are scenes from Full Metal Jacket and Jarhead...although I know...
  7. anton

    Is this really fast or normal?

    Is that really necessary? I just think that people stress out too much on the CFAT. It's just a simple test to see if you're retarded or not. I dunno...I just found it really easy.
  8. anton

    Is this really fast or normal?

    That...is really fast. For me, the process is slow as hell. It took them a month the schedule my CFAT, and 3 months to finish my background check. It's been 5 months since I've applied and I'm only in the middle of the process.
  9. anton

    Creating a mock interview

    I'm currently getting prepared for my CF interview so I'm designing a 'mock interview' to prepare myself. I feel that the interview sheet they gave me isn't enough and I need something practical and realistic. I was wondering if this mock interview is realistic enough: So, tell me about...
  10. anton

    Research on CF pay system

    I can't believe this. You...want US..to do your homework...for YOU??
  11. anton


    Lucky bastard...I'm only halfway through the process. It is such a pain.
  12. anton

    Interview advice (merged)

    Kool, thanks guys. Shamrock, i think i get the basic idea. As long as I know about the trade Im interested in thoroughly and if I show that, I should get it. Hopefully my interview for the MP Res won't be any harder than the interview you had for the Cbt Arms, Smith. Just one more...
  13. anton

    Interview advice (merged)

    Hi, I've read thru most of this subboard (specifically this thread here) and I have noticed a few things. - For some people, the interview was a fast 10-15 minute questionaire with the interviewer barely looking at the interviewee. - For others, it took from 45 mins to an hour with the...
  14. anton

    MP Reserves education requirements?

    Phew, just got back from CFRC ottawa. I explained my recruiter my situation and he said everything should be fine because I did qualify for the MP Res on my CFAT.
  15. anton

    MP Reserves education requirements?

    I don't believe that everyone here quite understands my situation. And sorry for doubting the members that were trying to help me out here. I didnt know they were MPs (afterall, I havent been on this board for a long time). My original desire was to join the MP reserves. However, I heard from...
  16. anton

    MP Reserves education requirements?

    Jesus christ...what is with all this negative/aggressive response? You guys seriously need to chill and cool down.
  17. anton

    MP Reserves education requirements?

    Actually I already am in the process. Done my CFAT. They're almost done my security/background checks.
  18. anton

    MP Reserves education requirements?

    Hmmm..I dunno. Their site seems so outdated. And Im also not sure if those are the specific req's for the RES MP.
  19. anton

    MP Reserves education requirements?

    Hi, I've tried finding this answer everywhere but i cant. Anyway, my friend said he joined the MP Reserves (33rd MP Platoon in Ottawa). However, he still is in grade 12 without a high school diploma. BUT...I was under the impression that you need at least a 2 year college diploma in something...
  20. anton

    Wearing a kilt as a garrison uniform?

    I guess I'm going into Cbt Eng then...