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  1. Allgunzblazing

    RCMP getting new APCs

    Shrek1985, You make a very valid point about alienating the public. However, by giving law enforcement agencies the tools required to effectively do their job, in my opinion they are not being militarized. Just my two cents. :salute:
  2. Allgunzblazing

    "Do you carry a pocketknife? "

    Does anyone have experience with a Leatherman Skeletool? I'm on the lookout for a simple, compact and tough multitool.
  3. Allgunzblazing

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I've been told that there are openings for DEO candidates in the MARS occupation. All the best  :salute:
  4. Allgunzblazing

    I dare you...

    Well said, eurowing.
  5. Allgunzblazing

    I dare you...

    Pretty stupid guys - just my opinion. Something like this could have a very ugly outcome. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Sometimes the opposite reaction can far outweigh the action.
  6. Allgunzblazing

    I dare you...

    Yeah, that's a nice way to get your head caved in.
  7. Allgunzblazing

    Logistics Officer - Sea [Merged]

    Yup, I was selected by the HCA selection board which was convened on 15th August last year. I believe I was one of eight, because there were only eight openings. I'm glad that I refused it, because someone who really wanted it must've been offered the job. What I really want is Artillery...
  8. Allgunzblazing

    Logistics Officer - Sea [Merged]

    All the best for the HCA Board. I had been selected last year, but I refused it.
  9. Allgunzblazing

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    nic32, Congrats for being selected - that's huge especially for such a competitive occupation. I hope your family situation improves and you're able to begin your military career. Cheers.
  10. Allgunzblazing

    What book are you reading now?

    leroi: I highly recommend "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" by Lt. Col. T.E. Lawrence. You could also show them the movie "Lawrence of Arabia".
  11. Allgunzblazing

    What book are you reading now?

    I finished reading "To War with Wellington" by Peter Snow a few days ago. I'm currently halfway through "Voices from Stalingrad" by Jonathan Bastable. Both these are very well written. Johanthan Bastable has written his book in the form of a collage - of dairy entries/ letters home/ memos from...
  12. Allgunzblazing

    Prince Harry arrives in Afghanistan to begin tour of duty

    I can bet that any and every two-bit Jihadee is going to get himself an RPG or a heavy caliber rifle to try and take a shot at any appache. The arms makers at Darra Adam Khel are sure going to be earning some good coin. These are just my guesses.
  13. Allgunzblazing

    Prince Harry arrives in Afghanistan to begin tour of duty

    Kudos up to Prince Harry  :salute:. RDJP, is correct when he speaks about the increased danger Prince Harry's deployment, or any senior military personnel/ diplomat/ celebrity puts on those around them. These are not my words - http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2007-04-30-harry_N.htm A...
  14. Allgunzblazing

    BMQ / BMOQ - Personal Electronics during course [MERGED]

    I am not a CF member. My association with the military has been through my father and brother. My brother and I spent our childhood shuttling from one base to another (in India), every few years. India is surrounded from all four corners by very friendly neighbours. Because of this our father...
  15. Allgunzblazing

    'Hitler' clothing store stirs anger in India

    This dude who claims that he didn't know about Hitler is a blatant lie. Unless, he's illiterate. I'm from India and I had read about Hitler, the Nazi Party, etc in grade school history. Obviously, he's being smart and playing dumb. Even if he didn't know the name earlier, the brand name design...
  16. Allgunzblazing

    'Hitler' clothing store stirs anger in India

    The word "Arya", has been known to the people of India for thousands of years. This word was anglicized to the word we are all familiar with, ie "Aryan". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan#Hinduism To this day, the people living in Norther India call themselves "Arya". They believe that their...
  17. Allgunzblazing

    References Superthread [Merged]

    Just an idea - your references could be the people you train or have trained.  I'm just another applicant. The RC staff will be able to point you in the correct direction.
  18. Allgunzblazing

    Alleged Institutional Racism/solutions in CAF (merged)

    Dimsum, the bases in India are located all over - some within or adjacent to major cities and some in the middle of no where. By no where I mean, there is just the base and nothing else. You're absolutely correct about the Cadets, in that they're different from the CF. They are certainly not...
  19. Allgunzblazing

    Alleged Institutional Racism/solutions in CAF (merged)

    I completely agree with pthebeau - no community can claim to be more family oriented. Lets be honest - man is a social animal and most folk would prefer not be away from their family and friends. I will never understand why immigrants from India do not turn up in hordes to the Recruiting...
  20. Allgunzblazing

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Cryptic, I'm not qualified to answer these questions. Only a CF recruiter can shed light on these. I don't know what my score was, all I was told  was that I had done well and qualified for all the occupations in the CF. If you're having trouble in a certain area, just use the old school...