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  1. D

    Cadet "Item Insurance" at home corps?

    "Blackdown has more than 1000 cadets...." Here's something to wrap your head around. In the 1970s cadets in Vernon didnt have an area to lock up thir CF uniform, it was on constant display for inspection. Head dress and toiletries were all kept out. They had but one small barrack box to lock...
  2. D

    camp kit- list?

    If a Vernon person pops into this thread: www.cadets.net/pac/2573army/intro_e.htm has links for staff and course
  3. D

    Getting Issued Hoodies

    RMNACSTC let me keep mine, but I declined. Adventure, and Pioneer are issued full sets at VACSTC. It's obvious why no one else is... where you ever ACTUALLY cold. I think the temperature hit like 20C at one point :p
  4. D

    2293 NSaskR

    My AdminO goes on strength with them in September, I believe.
  5. D

    Pace Sticks and Drill Canes

    The League stopped making them. They are very hard to find, I ended up getting my Corps' at another Corps.
  6. D


    The VACSTC course slate's been out for a few days now. In afct, over a week. So you should know, or your CO hates you :p
  7. D

    Cadets wearing Year of the Veteran Pin

    I would wear it above the name tag..... Not that there is any reasoning other than it makes sense to me.
  8. D

    Army Cadet Ranks and Cadet Corps Etablishment

    Arguably in Western Canada because of the affiliation's of most Cadet Corps the term SSM should be more common than CSM. Just as an aside...
  9. D

    Staff Cadets geting their 404's

    This is VERY new (Feb) and actually, I assume, supercedes a policy released 2-3 years ago barring any driving by any staff cadet at any time (whether personal vehicle, or DND)
  10. D

    Looking to buy Army Cadet short sleeve T Shirts

    My Corps either 1) still has some 2) Donated them to charity in October I'll take a look, they were on our DA for like 20 years.
  11. D

    favorite PO's to either teach or be taught

    Public speaking, I laughed, I cried... I didn't pay attention. It's fun, you get to hear stories which are ussually pretty funny, and pretty made up because the kids are like 13.
  12. D

    Vernon Staff 2005

    LOL... good luck buddy :p plus you need a full contract as a WO to be an MWO at VACSTC. It kept one girl from CSM last summer.
  13. D

    Vernon Staff 2005

    Ive been to a few CSTCs and personally find many aspects of VACSTC very week (the food is beyond awful), however, in its defence the quality of training was a huge improvement last year over what I'd seen in 2001 or 2002. It's good you didn't apply to Vernon - you'd get a shotty position I'd...
  14. D

    Staff Cadet Acceptances For Blackdown

    A lot of Cadets seem to think that their Provincial laws apply then they work for the Gov't under a Reserve Class B contract or whatever we're on. They do not.
  15. D

    Vernon Staff 2005

    Other duties of the GD Master Corporal include, filing, a lot of barracks duty, and complaining about how they have it so tough.
  16. D

    Army Cadet History website update - Official Army Cadet online museum/Archive

    Do you know your Corps history? or is there some one in your Corps that has a solid knowledge of it, and preferably some photos etc....? Write up a Corps history for www.armycadethistory.com and let's help the History Team create the most comprehensive Army Cadet website ever! Dane
  17. D

    Corps attendance

    The Army Cadet programme has seen a net increase since I joined in 2001, my Corps has gone down though. Maybe it's because there are so many new units, plus a lot of Corps hold a lot of dead weight (names on paper you haven't seen for a long time but don't get around to SOSing because your...
  18. D

    Vernon Staff 2005

    I used the wrong word, some one asked what the Freshieman was considered, and then someone else responded it was the GD/Storesman which is incorrect. My reply should have read: General Duties and Storesman are different positions. It is the Storesman for Freshie. Im applying for CSM.
  19. D


    I did..... as staff.
  20. D

    does any body know about the cli C-7 trianing course ... how is it help!!!

    Actually you do, it's a critical CTP for D&C. However, you basically just have to be there to pass.