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  1. E

    Birth Certificates and Citizenship (Merged)

    Makes more sense this way.  I never understood why they used to require you to fax all those documents up only to have to bring them in again to be verified by the recruiters at the LRC, seemed to be a waste of time since it seemed like the guys in North Bay didn't really check it over anyways
  2. E

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    I was told by my Interview Officer ( I assume he was the file manager?), who was changing jobs a few days later and no longer in charge of my application, that I could call anybody in the RC and they would be able to tell you.  And I can verify that I have called/walked right into the front desk...
  3. E

    Voluntary Release (VR) from Reserve - anytime [Merged]

    Hey... don't generalize all of us "who aren't in yet or aren't done yet" into the group who believe its necessary to drop standards........  Cause I for one am not.  Hell I believe that a PT should be done in the application process and that it should have an effect on how highly you're graded...
  4. E

    Voluntary Release (VR) from Reserve - anytime [Merged]

    Correct me if I'm wrong (I have no experience beyond the application to join) but isn't the idea behind the CF is that every member is a solider first and their trade second?  As in your trade might be vehicle tech but you're still a solider first and when called upon in emergencies or dire...
  5. E

    Almost all trades are now hiring?

    I'm sure to someone this will sound like a broken record...... For the "Now Hiring" on the forces.ca website, its most likely behind by a bit.  That and there is really no way to keep it completely up to date because number of openings can change daily.  That and it could also mean a lot of...
  6. E

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Only sure fire way to know is to call your Local RC and ask as far as I know
  7. E

    Voluntary Release (VR) from Reserve - anytime [Merged]

    They seemed to have the space for it at the medical office at the Toronto RC.  Heck, they even had showers and everything in the change rooms
  8. E

    Voluntary Release (VR) from Reserve - anytime [Merged]

    I agree with the idea that the physical standards are too low and really shouldn't need the extra help.  My earlier post should prove that.  I was just saying that as an idea as a compromise where it possibly causes less resentment.  However like I said earlier, anything I say is solely...
  9. E

    Voluntary Release (VR) from Reserve - anytime [Merged]

    I'm just going to throw this idea out there just to create a change of pace. How about reintroducing the PT to the application process but not as an end all be all way.  What I mean is have the applicant do the PT and if they fail send them home with some work out information and a new date...
  10. E

    Voluntary Release (VR) from Reserve - anytime [Merged]

    I'm just going to preface my statement by saying this is totally based off what I was told in my interview (still waiting on word if I got selected) It seems like the current standards are set so low that it would be pretty sad if you couldn't pass.  Its not the exact words of the conversation...
  11. E

    Alleged Institutional Racism/solutions in CAF (merged)

    I know racism and discrimination exist everywhere, but its kind of sad if its a problem (I don't know if it is or isn't and I'm not saying it is or is not, I'm still only in the application process) in the CF considering one of the interview questions is what's your view on it/would you have a...
  12. E

    DEO 2013 financial year

    I don't know what's worse...... waiting for the call or getting the call, being told you'll get further information on joining up by the end of the work day, and said information not showing up and you having forgot to ask for the recruiters call back information because you were too excited
  13. E

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    and don't get so excited when you get the call that you forget to ask for the persons call back information incase anything happens...... otherwise the paranoia is even worse
  14. E

    DEO 2013 financial year

    Anyone have any idea what the typical turn around time from selection panel to them notifying a successful applicant is?
  15. E

    EME DEO selection/applications

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any idea if there is a fall selection panel for DEO EME for what I assume is a January BMOQ date.  Every time I look it up it seems the only thing I can find is DEO selection for pilots or something that seems to be Air component related.  Thanks for the help...