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  1. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    Rogo, I have friends who were present; one is on film being threatened~and it wasn't staged. Plus, not knowing Ann and living 4 hours from Ottawa but watching the prodigious, violent hatred against Ann on the internet (which would not have occurred had Houle not written his pre-emptive letter)...
  2. leroi

    After Afghanistan - What Will Canada Do With Its Army?

    Thank you Mr. Campbell. One of these days I'll get myself turned around. With some things I can't separate their interests from ours.
  3. leroi

    After Afghanistan - What Will Canada Do With Its Army?

    Am I the only one who finds it disingenuously offensive of Mr. Fowler to describe our relations with the US as "whatever-the-Americans-want-foreign-policy"? I don't find this a truthful descriptor.  Maybe I'm not keeping up with Foreign policy enough!?
  4. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    Aye, a very worthy post; I descend from Irish Catholics too.  I love Canada; as a mouthy female I'd probably be dead by now had I the bad luck of being born in a different country. And, I agree with you: the boundary-pushers of the world test the limits of our patience; they create...
  5. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    I broke my promise >:D Infantry are not "neanderthal" (you're discriminating against your brothers/sisters ;D) but alluding to a retired member by quoting his post in the same breath that you make the statement I yellow-ed above could easily be construed as ageism, another grounds for a Human...
  6. leroi

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    Tony, I've never seen the media do this before. I haven't looked at the documents yet but could this cut-and-paste comment below be an example of the kind of public reaction MSM is anticipating, hoping for: "Hard to read black marker. I can't tell if it's French, English, or Arabic, or...
  7. leroi

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    I like this one: Afghan Detainees – The Real Issue By Mischa Popoff: March 25, 2010 The Metropolitan Reproduced in accordance with the Fair Dealing Provision of the Copyright Act. http://ow.ly/16U0US In politics there are issues you can bludgeon your enemies with, but every now and then...
  8. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    Here's Coulter speaking about the non-event in Ottawa from Calgary last night: Just thought some here might like to hear what she HERSELF has to say about what happened in Ottawa. From The O'Reilly Factor http://www.foxnews.com/oreilly/ leroi's last word: if universities don't issue warnings...
  9. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    Teeps, I't s larger than the personalities and credentials of the individuals mentioned by Thucydides; there are university professor who believe and teach that 9-11 never happened; these professors don't get any warning letters to watch what they say; in 2008 student union's across North...
  10. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    TheHead, here's a fairly good explanation of Galloway's banning Hoax (unfortunately some of the links no longer work): http://transmontanus.blogspot.com/2009/04/bank-accounts-frozen-court-summons.html Here's a piece from Ezra Levant explaining why Galloway was denied entry to Canada...
  11. leroi

    Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

    Professors across Canada are pretty upset about Anne's poor treatment/discrimination; here's a letter they wrote to Mr. Houle: I'm seriously bothered by it; please don't hesitate to keep the letters flowing, if you have strong feelings about it. http://www.caut.ca/pages.asp?page=878 March 22...
  12. leroi

    The Haiti Super Thread- Merged

    Governor General Michaëlle Jean's posting photos from her Haiti visit. Some very nice shots of CF members too: Visit to Haiti: 10 Photos http://fb.me/usn2ImQb First Day in Haiti: 32 Photos http://fb.me/sU5kyhoI Second Day in Haiti: 41 Photos http://fb.me/tgq386g4
  13. leroi

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    Great find, Gap! Liberal blogger Scott Ross began doing the same regarding CBC using Attaran for sound bytes. I wish the Loyal Opposition would focus more on THIS pervasive torture in Afghanistan: 'Shaming' Her In-Laws Cost 19-Year-Old Her Nose, Her Ears I have a hard time being outraged...
  14. leroi

    Cpl. Darren James Fitzpatrick, 3PPCLI, R.I.P.

    Condolences to all who knew and loved Cpl. Fitzpatrick.  :cdn:
  15. leroi

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    Thanks Vern! Here I am sitting in what some call an 'agricultural haven' and didn't even look beyond my urban grocery stores to the many surrounding farms. I should look too at the Mennonite communities for game livers. Maybe I'll have to travel to taste seal meat.
  16. leroi

    The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

    Where can we purchase seal meat? It looks delicious. Can't find it in Guelph. Also have trouble finding duck and goose liver to make one of my favorite dishes, "blackened game livers." I've proudly eaten the following Canadian wildlife and loved it:  North Bay area spring bear, moose, deer...
  17. leroi

    Bodies of 2 women found near Belleville, Ont.

    T6, I don't think Canadians are less violent than USA; also, guns seem to be increasingly available on the Canadian black market.  You have a larger population and that's perhaps the factor that may skewer perception.  Just as friends of mine living on Vancouver Island  think Ontario is the...
  18. leroi

    DVD: "The Stoning of Soraya M"

    A new DVD that's just been released with a review by Canadian Muslim reformer, author and scholar, Irshad Manji. In her review, Irshad criticizes Amnesty International for hindering efforts to reform radical Islam by blinding themselves with politcal correctness and preferring moral relativism...
  19. leroi

    Canadian Army Reading List- 11+ Years Of Suggestions and Ideas

    Journeyman,  thanks for that important distinction/correction! -Apologies to Lieutenant-Colonel John Conrad. Some of us civvies get it wrong no matter how hard we try! ;D
  20. leroi

    Canadian Army Reading List- 11+ Years Of Suggestions and Ideas

    WOW!! :nod: Just began reading this personal narrative and don't know where to begin praising it; the account is so haunting, honest and passionate.  It's the kind of story that gets right under the skin.  The book's time line covers the summer of 2006 and underscores the uniqueness of that...