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  1. ComdCFRG

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    For some more information again, get on the chat with the recruiters at www.forces.ca - they can connect you offline to some med specialists including nurses to expand on what SFB has described. MKO
  2. ComdCFRG

    Current Hiring Activity of the Canadian Navy... questions??

    Prairiediver, Well, you have already applied, so my first comment 'zero until you apply' doesn't count! Not knowing your file, difficult to judge.  However, I would say that should you meet the suitability requirements for any or all of these occupations, you stand a very good chance of being...
  3. ComdCFRG

    Looking for advice on my future with the Army.

    mhdk818, I would echo the earlier posts.  You have experience in a particular area - if you enjoyed the work, there are occupations in the CF that would allow you to conitinue in the same areas and even expand your training/capabilities.  There are also experience bonuses (ie cash on enrolment)...
  4. ComdCFRG

    Verbal offer of enrollment?

    Absolutely.  Ensure that you confirm the offer details with your career counsellor or other officer who can explain the details to you in person rather than referring to someone else or notes. MKO
  5. ComdCFRG

    Biomedical Electronics Technologist

    Tracey, In addition to anything posted here, you can also talk to your local recruiting location or online for the chat.  Mention that you are interested in the BMET and that you want to talk to the recruiters that specifically work in the medical field - there are two Capts who work...
  6. ComdCFRG

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    Kiwi (and others who have posted here looking for information) Get onto our website, forces.ca, and use it to link to the 'chat with a recruiter' function at a time when they are online, or email them with your circumstances.  They can give you specific information that pertains to some of the...
  7. ComdCFRG

    Interview advice (merged)

    V Olive: Glad that you were able to get your problem sorted.  Obviously what you understood/were told was not correct.  We get cases through the MND office on a regular basis (not as regularly as some other parts of the CF it seems though) and either I or one of my senior staff are involved in...
  8. ComdCFRG

    New, Long time lurker, very specific credit ERCquestion (recruiter if possible)

    Nfarider: Enhanced Reliability and Security Checks are governed by legislation and/or regulations as they are completed.  Security checks are wholly in the security architecture of the government and CFRG has no discretion in this regard.  For the reliability, there are a number of guidelines...
  9. ComdCFRG

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Just a short update to my post of a couple of weeks ago. The selection board was held and I have just been briefed on the staffing that was required post board.  This is being completed today/tomorrow and sent to the Centres so that they can call the successful candidates and mail letters to...
  10. ComdCFRG

    ROTP Offers, Rejecting/transfering?

    Marshall, if you are advised that you have been selected and are offered that programme at civilian university, you should discuss with the recruiting centre a change of university if that is what you wish to do.  As long as it is for a degree acceptable to your occupational grouping, it should...
  11. ComdCFRG

    Navy Steward, housing question

    si arn, I would suggest taking this post and moving it to one of the Navy-specific forums.  They will have plenty of comments for you on life on the coasts MKO
  12. ComdCFRG

    May BMOQ?

    Quick update to clear up some misconceptions. There are a number of BMOQs scheduled in April and May however they are loaded principally with internally selected candidates such as Component Transfer and some others programmes, so the number of vacancies that CFRG can load for new CF officer...
  13. ComdCFRG

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    NOAB are scheduled as required and generally occur before the major concentrations of Basic Military Officer Qualification courses.  There is a NOAB being run at this moment.  While I do not have the dates for the next one, I would anticipate that it will be held sometime in the May-early July...
  14. ComdCFRG

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    I suspect what he indicated was that your file was merit listed and therefore 'in' the ROTP board. The board for ROTP selection (including occupational grouping assignment) and the subsequent boards held by the Colleges for selection to their educational institutes will review your file and...
  15. ComdCFRG

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    For ROTP, there is a formal board for selection into the programme.  For DEO, no.
  16. ComdCFRG

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    A couple of misconceptions here 15 Jan was the deadline to be considered in the first board.  Applications for ROTP can still be made however you have a reduced chance of being accepted for the 09/10 academic year as the majority of selections will be made at the first board.  This doesn't mean...
  17. ComdCFRG

    Any Offers ROTP 09

    Everyone: take a deep breath and relax.  The ROTP Selection Board is tomorrow and then we will need to take the results and prepare them for distribution to the Centres.  This will take a few days so the EARLIEST you can expect to hear will be late next week. We know you are all anxious and...
  18. ComdCFRG

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    A lot of issues here. Merit listing gets you officially noted on the database as having completed all the evaluations necessary to determine your suitability (your competitiveness), with a final assessment. For most occupations, the selection of merit listed individuals is done anywhere from...
  19. ComdCFRG

    Abrupt File Process Switching??

    If you are still interested in MARS, make sure that your recruiting centre is clear on this point and continues your processing to include this possibility.  The actual offer will be dependent upon your final suitability for the occupations that you have asked to be considered for.  If for some...
  20. ComdCFRG

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Terrific - good luck on the application! MKO