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  1. R

    What book are you reading now?

    Currently reading: MORT, Terry Pratchett and THE EXPENDIBLES, Leonard B. Scott. Since two books at one time is not enough, about to start SALT, Mark Kurlansky. Just finished PRINCESS; A TRUE STORY OF LIFE BEHIND THE VEIL IN SAUDI ARABIA. Next in line: MY LIFE IS A WEAPON: A MODERN HISTORY...
  2. R

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    A trick (from the Running Room) to ensure relaxed hands and therefore shoulders is to cup pringles potato chips in your hands while you run. If you are relaxed enough, you won't break any. You can reward yourself with a mini chip-fest if you succeed! Depending on how tense you are, you may need...
  3. R

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Try doing the yoga pose called the "plank". I spent a lot of time doing this in order to build up those muscles. See this link: http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/470_1.cfm Not the best picture I've seen but all I could find in a hurry. The version that I did had my arms bent at the elbows so I...
  4. R

    Step Test

    I did my PT test yesterday and am much relieved that I passed. I was very worried, particularly about the pushups. When I first started to train, I couldn't do any as low as they needed to be. I was able to exceed the minimum requirement yesterday. Here are a couple of things I learned...
  5. R

    Medical question

    My medical results took a good long time, too. I just used that time to make sure I was getting ready for the PT test. What I was told during my medical was that the doctors processing all the paperwork were swamped and that there were only two of them to do all the work. I was told that if I...
  6. R

    Leaving Children For Training, Etc. -Merged

    Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful ---and thought provoking--- responses. REJ
  7. R

    Leaving Children For Training, Etc. -Merged

    Thank you for your replies. I really appreciate the input. Thanks most especially to Gunner who said what I needed to hear. Despite me wanting to always be with my son, circumstances are such that I cannot. He will continue to have a wonderful family environment with me gone for periods of time...
  8. R

    Leaving Children For Training, Etc. -Merged

    I am near the end of the application process. I have a thirteen month old boy that I will have to leave behind (with husband and extended family) for Basic Training and, later, all the rest of my training. I am quite sure that this is the best thing for my family over-all but the next two year...
  9. R

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    Now that my blood is circulating again, I'm having a good chuckle at myself. Thank you for your patience. A cup of tea sounds good!
  10. R

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    So, this is good, then. I was taken aback by the 291 wanting a position. Thank you.
  11. R

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    Thank you for your reply. Very disappointing news, but thanks. Can anyone tell me what normally happens in this situation? Do I go on a holding pattern until a position opens? Does my recruiting process stop here?
  12. R

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    " Also what can you tell me about the intake volume as I have been gently warned off of Com Research by the recruiting office.  They say 2 few positions.... long slow road to advancement... " quote from Systemdog I am very interested in this thread. I am near the end of the application process...