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  1. JoPelle

    Base Location

    Actually, I never had problems with human interaction. At all. But this isnt HUMAN interaction, its online interaction. Completely different. Maybe the fact that my english isnt yet perfect (im french canadian) makes my posts looks awkward, I dont know. Im not trying to mislead anyone or sound...
  2. JoPelle

    Base Location

    You are right. Maybe I had the wrong approach with this forum.
  3. JoPelle

    Base Location

    The ''lol true that'' comment was to agree with the fact that the cheaper the better. From now on, ill only post super extreme relevent amazing stuff. You people take this shit pretty seriously !
  4. JoPelle

    Base Location

  5. JoPelle

    Base Location

    lol true that.
  6. JoPelle

    Bettering Fitness Standards while Waiting for BMQ

    I think the main goal of the BMQ is to bring you to the physical level they need you to be.
  7. JoPelle

    Base Location

  8. JoPelle

    Base Location

    Sorry if I sounded rude. Trust me, I did alot of research about life after BMQ, and I talked to alot of people that were in the army. My question was just out of curiosity of were the base were located, cause I heard some nice location. Again, im sorry if I said something rude or dissrespectful.
  9. JoPelle

    Bettering Fitness Standards while Waiting for BMQ

    I was told at my interview that i should be able to do 7k in an hour. I myself think its pretty slow but thats what I got told. As for chin ups, I dont know why he asked me to be able to complete 17 in one set. Again, thats what I got told. You cant be overprepared for BMQ, so the more fit you...
  10. JoPelle

    Bettering Fitness Standards while Waiting for BMQ

    I havent done the BMQ yet but I know that you should increase your push ups, chin ups and running. My recruiter told me to be able to run 7k in less than an hour, do at least 17 chin ups and alot of push ups. I heard that in your BMQ you will eat arround 2000 cal / day but yet again, I havent...
  11. JoPelle

    Base Location

  12. JoPelle

    Base Location

    wow. If you are going to post irrelevant stuff like this, you better go do something better. I was just curious about where the base were. I think the least of your worries should be what my worries are.
  13. JoPelle

    Base Location

    thanks alot
  14. JoPelle

    Base Location

    I just wanted to know where the base are located once you finish your BMQ. My mom's friend told me that back in the day when he served, one of the base was located in Germany. I know there is one in Valcartier but thats about it .
  15. JoPelle

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    What trade did you choose? and where are you in the process
  16. JoPelle

    Prochain QMB !??

    Si tu n'a pas encore fait aucun test tu vas trouver que c'est long. Tout les applications sont différentes mais en moyenne, 10 mois c'est quand meme un delais résonnable. Je ne voudrais pas te décevoir mais d'apres moi, tu ne fera pas le QMB de Juillet! Je te dirais de t'entrainer et de te...
  17. JoPelle

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Every application is different. My file got lost or something so I called and thats when things got done. The person that got my file told me that she made a mistake and if I havent called, she wouldnt have realised it. And she told me that things like this can happen, so its not a bad thing to...
  18. JoPelle

    Tough Mudder - Good training to prepare for BMQ/Obstacle Courses?

    Obviously, you dont know what you're talking about. The CEP is the french abr. for Certificat en Entrainement Privé, and is done in 6 months. It cost 500$ to do it, and it dosnt give you any certification in training people with disabilities. And as for my opinion, I dont think you or nobody...
  19. JoPelle

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    You have to remember that the people working in the office have alot of applications to deal with so calling and being proactive isnt a bad thing. It also show them that you are serious and motivated. My recruiter told me that people who call have their file move faster. But yes, at the end of...