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  1. CanadaPhil

    What Countries Should be Part of the Lebanon Security Force??

    Considering that as late as the Yom Kippur War, a sizeable chunk of Israeli armoured divisions were made up of up-gunned Sherman tanks rescued from scrap heaps, I would think its the former.
  2. CanadaPhil

    What Countries Should be Part of the Lebanon Security Force??

    Much of the discussion in the media right now is of what countries should be part of a "peacekeeping" force (for lack of a better term) to replace Hezbollah and act as security buffer for Israel in order to bring about a long term cease fire. However, it looks like no nation is willing to...
  3. CanadaPhil

    History of the Arab-Jewish Conflict

    Maybe I am mistaken, but I am under the impression that Bo is trying to start a pro-"Palestinian" /anti-Israel rant  here. What exactly is the point of harping on the Balfour agreement? To suggest that "Palestine" was stolen by the British and illegally given to the Jews as some sort of prize...
  4. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    Since the topic was brought up, I am just going to put my 2 cents in on the question closest to home. Does the FLQ exist today? And for that matter, did it ever really exist. I think it was an aberration in our history, mostly advanced by a TINY lunatic fringe, and no real citizen, especially...
  5. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    Oh I'm sorry. Since most of your posts have the air of a 12 year old talking back to one of his parents, I thought you wanted to be treated like a child. If you feel that I offended you, you can report me to the moderator. As I am growing really tired of these discussions it doesn't really...
  6. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    :D I'm not even sure I know what the hell you are trying to say. BTW, You aren't even Canadian are you? I ask that because only an uninformed foreigner could possibly suggest that the Middle East and the situation in Canada are one in the same. Are you suggesting that the Bloc Quebecois is...
  7. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    The Lebanese government argument has absolutely no merit as far as I am concerned. Lebanon is supposedly a sovereign nation. Yet they permit an element of their society to openly advocate the destruction of another nation, allow them to build up a separate army within their nation, ELECT...
  8. CanadaPhil

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    I have felt from the beginning that this IS going to lead to another war with Israel & Syria. Hezbollah made a serious miscalculation, and its only a matter of time before Syria does the same. Israel is NOT going to back down. I don't think the US is going to involve itself with sending in US...
  9. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    Oh well, I think I am going to get a little cynical now. I think its only a matter of hours before we see the first of a string of ingrates show up at a live "news" conference on CBC "News"world in the company of Montreal based ambulance chasers.... errrr... lawyers, announcing a multi-million...
  10. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    Well, what was it?? Was it hot? or was it cold? So its not that there was NO FOOD & WATER, but that inconsiderate fellow evacuees were hoarding it for themselves. Hmmmmmmm. F%^#   Y&* !
  11. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    Wow!, I guess some editor fell asleep at the switch there?? Some actual quotes from grateful people?? Uh oh, must be some right wing conspiracy
  12. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    That still pales in comparison to pictures of Islamic extremists dressing their little kids up in mock suicide vests.
  13. CanadaPhil

    PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

    I caught a clip of someone whining. Was she the one with the oversized, "look at me, I'm just like a celebrity sunglasses"?? She almost looked like she was going to a bar on Miami's South Beach. I think she was expecting to have been served caviar and after dinner mints. I also like how she...
  14. CanadaPhil

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    For some inexplicable reason the old Maple Leaf Gardens came to mind. Anyone remember the communal piss troughs that weren't fit for cows to go in. Good enough for hockey fans I guess though.
  15. CanadaPhil

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    Excellent rant Probum :salute:
  16. CanadaPhil

    PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

    Geez, here we go again. In case you are not aware, the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT photograher IS ALWAYS IN THE COMPANY of the Prime Minister. This is the same of the US President and any other western leader I know of. It is to ensure an OFFICIAL RECORD of the DAILY goings on of the Prime Ministers...
  17. CanadaPhil

    PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

    BTW, a photo op would have been something like the little guy from Shawinigan putting on a helmet ass backwards.
  18. CanadaPhil

    PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

    I think that it is unbecoming to say the least when a serving member of the military openly impugns the integrity of our serving Prime Minister in such a vile fashion. Especially one who is committed to making our armed forces as professional and prepared as they can be, given our situation. I...
  19. CanadaPhil

    PM diverts his plane to Cyprus to pick up families, Thats Leadership

    I am amazed that someone with that amount of "Anti-EVERYTHING" actually serves or served in our military. My first impression of you is that you are  (thankfully) one of those very few who signed up just because he needed a job.
  20. CanadaPhil

    China eyes Mars Exploration

    I say let them go for it. We all know that NASA will never get it done.